Chapter 10

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*the next day*
~Y/n's POV~
I have a day off of work today. I would spend it with Louis but he has a modeling gig of some sort. So I'm gonna spend time with my beloved siblings: Noah and Chloe! "Good morning guys!" I say, taking a sip of the coffee I just made. "Good morning Y/n," Chloe says. "No work today?" Noah asks me. "Nope. Which is why I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out. Louis is busy with a modeling gig," I say. "Aww, so sad, your boyfriend is too busy for you," Noah says. Chloe slaps his arm. "Why do you always take her side?!" He complains. "Because she's my sister," she responds. "I'm your brother," he shouts. "So?" Chloe says, in a snarky attitude making me laugh. "Stfu Y/n," he says.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes to hanging out?" I ask, laughing harder than before. "Sure! I love hanging with you!" Chloe says, making me smile. "I guess. Can I invite Millie?" Noah asks. "Sure. Just don't be kissing her the whole time," I say, making Noah flustered. "You can invite Sadie, Clo," I say, turning to Chloe. "Nah, she's also busy with a modeling gig," she says and I nod in return.

*1 hour later, at Millie's house*
~Chloe's POV~
We all decided to hang out at Millie's house. So far Noah and Millie haven't been kissing the whole time but they have kissed a lot. Which is better then them kissing the whole time. "Stop kissing!" Y/n shouts, making them jump. "Let your girlfriend breathe," Chloe jokes, making me and Millie laugh. "You guys are so funny," Noah says sarcastically. For the rest of the day Chloe and I kept teasing Noah, making Millie laugh, and most importantly having fun.

A/n: Sorry this chapter is so short! I know it's not Christmas yet but next chapter will be a Christmas chapter because I have a cute idea for it. Actually, I'll make it a bonus chapter since it's not Christmas yet.

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