Chapter 14

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*The next day, at noon*
~Louis' POV~
We both woke up later than we usually would today. Today I'm planning to talk with her more about that sex talk that we had. I think she's feeling better about the fight so I think today is a good day to talk about it.

"Hey love," I say, bringing her breakfast in bed. "Aw thanks, pretty boy!" She says, making us both giggle. "So, I wanted to talk to you about something," I add on. "What's up?" Y/n asks, starting to eat her breakfast, technically brunch/lunch. "So you know how we had that sex talk a couple days ago?" I say, getting nervous. "Yeah what about it?" She says. "I wanted to know if what you said was true," I say. "Every word," she says, a smile growing on her face. "Okay because I want you to know that whenever you are ready you can tell me," I say. She kisses my cheek. "I know, darling. And the thing is.." she pauses.

"What is it?" I ask. "I am ready. I'm ready to have sex with you and take our relationship to the next level. I have been for a while but I never knew if you were too," she admits. "Wait.. actually?" I question. "Seriously!" She says back. I sit there processing it for a bit. "Are you sure?" I double check. "Positive," she smiles widely. I couldn't contain my excitement, I started jumping up and down and then I planted a soft kiss on her lips. "How about tonight then?" She asks seductively as a smirk grows on her face. "Sounds absolutely perfect," I nod in agreement. I'm going to make our first time the absolute best.

A/n: Ooo! They are both ready for sex! What a step up! And yes, the next chapter will be the one that contains the smut.

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