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I softly close the door to not wake Rocky up

The dark streets are barely illuminated by the few working streetlights, and it was too early for the sun to even stain the sky with its light

But the darkness of the town doesn't stop me from making my way to the big bridge without hesitation

At least is not foggy

The tower is barely distinguishable now, now that I think

Doesn't look like the Lookout anymore, just a dull grey old tower sitting at the top of the small hill across the bridge that seems no one in town is bothered to cross

I curl my paw into a fist and continuously knock on the big metal door, constantly checking on the small crack for a shadow or any sign of life to announce themself

Many minutes pass, the sky started turning into a more light blue, and I was still knocking on that damn door

Where is he . . .

"I know you are in there!" I shout

And that croaky, somewhat menacing, voice immediately replies "What do you want?"

I didn't even hear him come . . . was he there this whole time?

"First, I wanted to say sorry for what happened yesterday. And . . . we actually had a proposal. We thought maybe-"

"Not interested. You may leave now" He cuts me before a loud continuous screech resounds, making my ears hurt

I start looking around me, trying to find the origin of that terrible noise, and then I notice the small crack slowly being covered by a big piece of metal

"Chase," I exclaim, quickly trying to put my paw through the crack to stop the metal from covering it, but he must be pushing it with his entire body "stop it"

He continues, without the intention of waiting for me to take my paw before I stay stuck there

"We are trying to recruit the Paw Patrol back and save this city for good" I quickly inform, taking my paw from the crack, which ends up closing in its entirety

I begin banging the big metal door once more, and I hear Chase's muffled voice from the inside "I am Not Interested!"

"I'm trying to fix everything! And I will fix everything! I will bring everyone back, even Skye! And you will get cleaned, and ready to save this town again!" I shout and quickly stick my ear to the dusty metal wall, hoping to hear a positive answer

But . . . nothing

I sigh, taking one last look around. The sun is already peeking from the horizon, no boats can be seen around the bay and no cars were wandering around the streets

"Where even is Skye . . ." I whisper to myself as I begin my walk back to Rocky's place

But I take a quick detour

I walk through the park's old entrance, the park located in front of the slightly changed town hall.

Rags and other plastic waste lying near the tree I used to rest at, completely deteriorated benches and The Paw Patrol golden statue had a part of the logo missing

Maybe it broke and no one bothered to fix it, or someone purposely broke it.

The rest of the logo has a big graffiti on top

At least the plaque was left untouched, well . . . My name is marked by a black marker, making it barely distinguishable. All the other names were left untouched

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