💡🧪TestBulb parent Headcannons!🧪💡

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So the image..



Testtube would be the overprotective one, while lightbulb was the exact opposite. Only when you got hurt, she was like a whole different person.

*Lightbulb would get a bat.* "YOU SAID WHO HURT YOU?!"

When testtube and lightbulb need.. uh. Alone time, you hang out with paintbrush and fan! Sometimes it's just paintbrush, since fan is doing fan things.

When you and paintbrush hang out, you two usually paint and listen to music, while gossiping.

When it would be the three of you, you guys would just gossip about everyone.

You see paintbrush and fan as your siblings, even if they aren't blood related to you.


When your sad:


She will stop whatever she's doing to check on her "honey bunches". Yeah, she treats you like a baby. But you like it, it gives you comfort.

You two will have a "emergency day". Meaning, you two have just one whole day to bond.



Will show you Baxter, and you two will play with Baxter.

Trust me, lightbulb as your mom, would do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to see you smile.

Someone bullying you? She has her ways.

She just loves her "bright y/n!"


If you came out:


You would tell paintbrush first, since you really REALLY trust them.

When you tell them, they fully support you, no matter what. They also see you as a sibling to them.

Don't worry though! Your secret is safe with them.



You don't really trust him much since of his blog, but eh.

When you tell him, he's like "OH I KNEW IT!" And stuff like that. But in reality, he didn't have a clue.

He doesn't post it on his blog, after you beg him not to.



Fan girls, because slay.

Gets you a bunch of rainbow/your pride flag stuff.

Loves you unconditionally, a ball of happiness!

Your secret is DEFINITELY safe with her!



Is confused at first, until you explain it to her, because she's new to it.

Supports you and loves you unconditionally.

During pride month, she gets you stuff. And you go to pride parades with her. You also go with lightbulb.



Final word count : 338.

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