Things Fall Apart: Part 1

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Come one and come all to the first chapter of Terryverse: Untold Destinies. We start this series off with a bang with a what if not many of you may have thought about. This chapter is a "What if Blue and Ripper stayed divorced?".  We begin this alternate timeline at the end of the Battle of the Sierra Nevada, the location of the defeat of Nemesis. Enjoy.


Third Person POV:

With two claws Ripper takes after his namesake and rips out Nemesis's eye. To the surrounding raptors and other prehistoric reptiles, the sight is gruesome and intimidating to watch, but to Ripper, it's the greatest feeling ever.

As Ripper lurches his claws free from Nemesis's eye socket, blood drips slowly from his claws. He stares at the blood and begins giggling. 

Nemesis is seen crying on the floor. 'Is this what it is like to be scared, to be weak, to be nothing?' Nemesis thinks to himself as he stares up at the raptor he was bio-engineered to counter. Yet he cannot ponder for too long since Ripper's attention is snapped straight back to him, Nemesis is now forced to either flee or fight, he chooses to flee to live to fight another day.

Not amused by the cowardice of his "arch enemy", Ripper lets out a triumphant roar that shakes the leaves on the trees and rattles the bones of both his "Nemesis" and his friends. Knowing that the battle is over, Ripper walks towards his son and his mother.

But as he approaches he is stopped by the angry growl of his previous lover. "What do you think you're doing?", Blue says with a hint of malice in her voice, "You think that just because you play the hero and save the day that I forgive you?". As realization falls upon him, Ripper's eyes begin to tear up as he pleads with his wife.

"Blue, I'm sorry, I know that I promised to protect him but please you have to understand that I tried my best." Ripper sadly says under the cold stare of his only love. 

"Sorry? SORRY!?!" Blue yells scaring her son who is laying at her feet. "I should've finished the job that day, when you were on those horns because you have brought nothing but problems to my life!!", as this entire situation is going on, Fang is seen staring wide-eyed at his mother because of the words he just heard leave her mouth.

'This can't be happening. They love each other, Mom would never be this mean to Dad." Fang thinks to himself, hoping that this was an elaborate joke his parents were pulling on him. Sadly, to his aunts and uncles shocked and sad expressions, he knows that he is wrong.

"You think that you can have a happy life with us? Well newsflash Ripper, we're through, I want you gone by tomorrow and I don't expect to ever see your no good face ever again!!! Do you understand?"

As Ripper hears these words leave what he thought was the love of his life's mouth, his world crumbles beneath him.

"B-but Blue. What about Fang? I can't just leave him here, he's the last thing I have.". As Ripper pleads with his now ex-wife Blue pauses to think. All ears are perked up around the clearing, waiting for and answer from the blue striped raptor.

After some time has passed Blue lifts up her head and utters words that shatter the hearts of many around the clearing. "Leave."


"I SAID LEAVE OR I WILL MAKE YOU LEAVE!!" Blue yells startling her son now being supported by his friend, Krystal.

Suddenly, Fang speaks up.

"Mom, please don't do this. I can't let you push my Dad away and I-" WHACK!!

Silence engulfs the clearing at the event that just took place. Blue had swiped her claw across Fangs face, leaving three claw marks over his right eye. "I will not hear any of this Fang. My decision is final, he will not be staying with us. Now I won't repeat myself Rip-"

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