Broken Raptor: Part 1

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Date: August 25, 2013

Location: Isla Nublar

Jurassic World was the greatest park attraction in the entire world for the span of nearly 10 years. People from all over the world would come to see the now living fossils that inhabited the park. It was a success through and through and was making millions.

However over time people began losing their love for the ancient animals and sales began lowering. This was not looked upon greatly by the owner of the park, Simon Masrani. Today he was going to the lab to see how the production of the dinosaurs was going and to confront his lead scientist, Doctor Henry Wu.

As he walked through the glass hallways he could see all of his employees hard at work. Some were moving around eggs to certain incubators or analyzing dna to see what was needed where. But Simon knew that none of these dinosaurs would begin bringing in more revenue.

Masrani soon entered Wu's office and had the lead scientist sit down, this would be a long meeting and both of them knew it.

"Mr. Masrani I know that sales have been low but we are trying our best. People just don't like regular dinosaurs anymore, they're are like everyday zoo animals in this day and age." Wu said to his boss. He had been trying to find new attractions that would please his boss but had failed to find something exciting enough to attract new park goers.

"Have you at least tried looking in different places? I can buy new dig sites for God's sake." the CEO of Masrani global said angrily, becoming impatient with the 'laziness' of his best scientist. 

"It's not that sir it's just that everywhere else is already bought. We aren't the only ones trying to make dinosaurs." Wu said as he stood up and looked down at his boss. Before he could continue though Masrani stood up as well. "If you can't find solutions for this park then I'll just assign you a task to get it done. No point in blatantly arguing with you." he said it a very calm demeanor, almost too calm.

Wu nodded his head and listened closely at what his sponsor/boss had to say. "I want you to make something new." the CEO said, "A new dinosaur that will scare the people, after all the scarier the more of an attraction it is.".

"But sir-"

"I want it done by next year or else you are fired and all your precious research stays with me. Do you understand?" Masrani said while waiting for Wu's response.

"Yes sir" the scientist said after contemplating for a short time. This was a daunting task that would not be easy but he couldn't let his research go to waste. After a little more talking on what the "hybrid" would be they finally decided that an animal they called an Indoraptor would work.

It would be a genetically enhanced velociraptor with a hint of many other dinosaurs inside of it.

Masrani then left without a word, leaving Wu to his new task. If he didn't accomplish this all his work would be lost so as soon as his boss left he got to work.

3 months later:

Wu had done it, the Indoraptor genome was finally completed and ready for the egg building process. It took him a long time and lots of genetic splicing but he finally got it to a high percentage of success.

For the next few minutes Wu watched in silence as the process took place, almost like a 3D printer. It would take hours for it to finish but he was willing to wait. And waiting is what a scientist must do sometimes, especially in this line of work. If he was caught sleeping on the job he didn't even want to know what Masrani would do.

After a couple of hours and many cups of coffee, the eggs were finally done.

And yes, Wu made extra fail safes just in case the main egg failed. They were slightly modified to test what would give them more attraction worthy things, such as bioluminescence and camouflage.

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