Nemesis' Journey: The Beginning

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3 weeks from the final battle:

"Damn it!!!" Nemesis yelled as he lay on the floor after failing to hunt and kill the ceratopsian. His tail was still not fully healed from his encounter with Ripper and he still lacked an eye. All that was left was a sad dark enclave of an eye socket.

Nemesis had been struggling for the past few weeks since the fight. He could barely catch anything due to his absence of his eye which gave him much better coordination. He couldn't tell what certain things were and had to tilt his head in order to truly view something clearly.

"Damn that cursed imbecile" he exclaimed as he tried to regain his composure from the fight that he just lost. "When I heal fully I swear I wi-" "You swear you will what?" a voice cut him off from somewhere above him. Nemesis froze, he knew that voice, but surely he hadn't gone that far from the Sierra Nevada. To Nemesis' dismay however, it was who he was thinking of.

Luna was sitting in the tree above Nemesis, lounging like a leopard would after killing its prey. She had watched the entire scene play out in front of her and she was quite amused that a "perfected indoraptor" failed to kill a regular herbivore.

"You know what just happened was pathetic right? I mean you lost to a herbivore. Better yet you lost to a mid tier herbivore. So please enlighten me with what you will do." she asked as she stared down at Nemesis. As she stared she began to notice the lack of an eye Nemesis had and the missing tip of his tail. Before she could ask about it Nemesis responded to her question.

"I don't need to tell you. I have my plans and they don't concern the likes of you." he replied as he tilted his head to get a better look at the female indoraptor. He seemed quite annoyed with her presence since he technically lost to her way back before he lost his fight against Ripper. Although Luna could smell something behind his ego and failure. Fear.

Luna made a 'hmph' sound at his response before getting up and stretching before climbing down the tree. "Well I guess if you won't tell me then I can do another thing with you that I'm sure would do the world a lot of good." she said as she crouched down and stalked towards Nemesis. As she stalked, Nemesis became anxious as he slowly backed away as she stepped forward "What is that you plan to do then?" he asked as he watched her carefully.

Luna then blinked out of sight much to Nemesis' confusion. 'Was it a hallucination?' he thought to himself before he saw something with his one eye. The grass in the area seemingly got squished down as if something were stepping on it, getting closer and closer to him with each step. Tilting his head in confusion, Nemesis tried to make sense of the situation at hand.

Very soon Nemesis remembered his first encounter with the pink striped indoraptor and how she hid from him as if she were invisible. Piecing the puzzle together he soon realized the same thing was happening only that this time instead of being the predator, he was the prey. 'RUN' his fight or flight sense screamed in his head as he sprinted with all of his might away from the area. He could hear the patter of footsteps slowly catching up to him from behind as he weaved in and out of the trees.

As he entered a clearing after a good while of running he looked behind himself only to see Luna gaining on him with no signs of stopping. Knowing he couldn't outrun her due to his bad vision and injuries he slowly began losing faith that he would survive this. Suddenly, a heavy weight landed on his back as Luna leaped onto him, wrestling him to the ground and pinning him.

A struggle ensued that didn't last long due to Nemesis' fatigue, he had been worn down by his recent fight and the long amount of running. Now he lay there pinned down by his worst nightmare.

"Just accept that you will die you good for nothing piece of shit." Luna said as she struggled to keep the writhing Nemesis still. He responded by kicking her in the abdomen and nipping at her face, gravely angering the female. With a slap to the face and bite to the neck she began strangling the life out of her sworn enemy.

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