Fractured Heart: The Finale

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Sorry for being late to writing this, it's a fairly long chapter so it took me a bit. It isn't as long as the finale of the previous verse but it is still 7k+.

Anyways, Enjoy.


Biosyn Facility - San Francisco:

Wu couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that Nemesis would ever do such a thing to him, he gave him life for crying out loud. Nemesis had done what most of Wu's creations did to him, betray him. What made it worse this time was that he did it for a girl. However, even though Nemesis had escaped and released a couple billion dollars worth of assets Henry didn't give up.

He had been planning ever since the incident happened, plotting and scheming trying to concoct a new and more dangerous hybrid than an indoraptor. At first he thought of making another Ultimasaurus but quickly backtracked because what if that hybrid betrayed him too.

Then he thought of creating another Indominus Rex. They were smart, cunning, manipulative, and best of all were deadly and efficient. But he ended up not doing that because they were horribly ugly and prone to going insane so he went back to the board of ideas. After many days of failure and no sleep he had reached his breaking point.

"Damn it!!!!" he yelled in his private lab, test tubes and genome cases littered the floor of the room. He had failed to find a hybrid that could be strong enough and loyal enough to find and kill that red eyed bastard and it was starting to get to him.

"Think Henry, what could you do. You're a genius that has created things thought to be impossible so why can't you do this simple thing?" he asked himself with his usually neat hair and smooth lab coat now all messy and stained in some areas. "FUCK!!" he roared as he shoved a file holder off of the desk he was sitting at, knocking all the files onto the floor. As he looked down upon them with disgust something caught his eye.

"What is this?" he asked as he peered at the file facing up towards the ceiling, big black font covered the front with a simple asset name.


It didn't take long for Wu to remember that retched hybrid, his first creation. He picked up the file and read the notes he had taken on the original Scorpios Rex and scoffed at how it was his largest failure yet. Before throwing the file away though, an idea crossed the mad scientists mind.

"Wait... what if I perfected this?" he asked to nothing in particular before he began thinking of the great outcomes a perfected Scorpios would have. "Yes yes, this is just the dinosaur needed to kill an indoraptor. Bigger, faster, stronger, and not to mention more dangerous. It's perfect." he said with wide eyes as he began shaking with pure delight before laughing and getting to work.

Tribe D Raptor Pack:

Ripper and Zeph were walking through the Sorna raptors village, talking about how their future might go. The two had formed a close bond over the past few days, balancing each other out and making each other feel wanted. "All I'm saying is that a tribe A raptor would beat a tribe B raptor, I mean have you seen them? They don't look like they eat." Zeph said to his father figure as they strolled through the beta nesting area. 

"I mean from what you say I would have to agree with you because I haven't seen one before." Ripper replied as they began nearing Alphas nesting area. He was dropping off Zeph for a play-date with his friend/crush, Violet. Ripper did not mind that Zeph liked the energetic daughter of tribe D's alpha because she was indeed fun to be around. Though it was quite obvious that Violets brothers did not like Zeph because Violet was their youngest sister and the baby of the family and some random scrawny raptor with weird eyes came out of nowhere and made her catch feelings.

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