Things Fall Apart: Part 3

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Hello everybody, thanks for coming back and all that jazz. Today is a day of romantic proportions.

We return to the Sierra Nevada on the night after Blue got asked out. How will the date go?

Find it out yourself because I sure as hell won't give it you like a Walmart employee giving samples.



The Next Day:

Blue couldn't believe what she was going to do that night, and neither could Charlie. Blue was flustered and Charlie was angry that a random raptor would come up to HIS sister and flirt with her in front of HIM. He wanted to tell the others but Blue stopped him.

"Wait. If you tell them they will get mad at me Charlie." Blue pleaded with her younger brother, something only he did most of the time. However in this moment, pervert Charlie wasn't in control instead being a more serious Charlie. It very much reminded Blue of Echo in many ways such as his scowl and stern look in his eyes.

"Blue we have to tell them that there are raptors other than us in our territory. On top of that fact he flirted with you and if you think I was mad just imagine how Echo is going to feel." the slightly younger raptor responded. Blue agreed with him partially in the sense that yes their siblings needed to know of the dangers they could face out in the woods now and she knew Echo would be angry at the fact a random dude flirted with her. But she didn't want Echo, or Delta and Fang for that matter, to know about the quite charming raptor she met today.

After a few seconds of thinking Blue decided only one thing would work with Charlie. "You can have the whole carcass if you don't tell." she said with complete and total seriousness.

"Really?" Charlie replied, surprised and excited until he switched back into protective brother. "I mean no Blue, we have to tell them." before Blue could plead or reason anymore Charlie interrupted her "But I won't tell them about that Rogue guy for your own sake, might as well give him a chance." he finally finished as Blue thanked him repeatedly. If you hadn't met them you would think Blue had been Charlie's younger sister but no, this guy was a couple seconds younger.

"I'll go tell them that there might be other raptors nearby you start on the meat, maybe ask Fang and Krystal if they want any too while you're at it." Blue offered her brother in which he quickly agreed and wished her luck, like he always did when she went to talk to either Echo or Delta.

As she parted ways with her brother she walked over to Echo's side of the backyard, which was very spacious for such a medium sized house. She found him still asleep kicking his leg and twitching as if he was running in a dream, a small smile on his face. His happy demeanor was cut short however by his older sister.

"Echo?" Blue asked her brother as he jolted awake with a yelp, quite displeased at the fact his dream was interrupted. He became even more displeased at the fact that it was Blue who had woken him up. 'Could have been Charlie, but nooo it's Blue' he thought bitterly to himself.

Echo obviously still cared for his sister, but he thought she was an idiot for breaking Rippers heart and ruining her sons life. Plus she was stupid for leaving Ripper, I mean look at the guy he big raptor and one of the most if not the most powerful indoraptor on the planet currently. It wasn't like there were any other raptors nearby that she could become romantically involved with. Right?

"I have something critical to tell you Echo, it is to keep you safe so please look at me for once." Blue said, wanting her brothers full attention so she could get the message through. Reluctantly, Echo turned to her.

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