Thing Fall Apart: The Finale

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"All good things must come to an end." 

- Geoffrey Caucer


4 years later:

Life was pretty great  in Fang's little home. He had loving parents, his aunts and uncles, even small cousins that he could play with and of course Krystal. It was pretty easy, right?

Is what Fang would say if he did have loving parents and cousins he could play with, though he still had the aunts and uncles. But no, Fang's life was some raptor crap. For starters, he had a bad relationship with his mom which while it didn't affect him physically other than three faint lines on his face, it did mess him up emotionally. His dad still visited every now and then though.

Secondly, his stepfather was ok but kind of annoying sometimes, something his uncles Echo and Charlie could agree on. Rogue was a very enigmatic and loud raptor and tried very if not too hard to get on the other raptors good sides. Fang didn't mind him as long as he kept his personal space.

While Fang liked his uncles, they paled when compared to his aunts, Narci and Delta. Delta was like a new mother to him and Narci was pretty fun to be around and leveled out his uncles moodiness. She was the only raptor who could tease him and get a laugh out of him.

Fang got along well with mostly everyone. His siblings/cousins however were very bugging and mean to him because they knew if he retaliated, he'd get scolded. He had five younger family members in total, three from his mothers new marriage and two from his uncle and aunt. He didn't like to count Krystal as his cousin because he liked her and didn't want it to sound like incest when saying it to randoms. And yes, after 4 very long years, Fang still didn't reveal his feelings.

Speaking of his siblings, there were indeed three all the same age of 14. Since both of their parents had full growth hormones and weren't hybrids, they grew incredibly quickly to the age of 10 in just a year. 

They were very similar looking to his mother and stepfather when it came to looks but that is where the good similarities quickly ended. 

His siblings were quite mean to him because of the fact he wasn't fully related to them. They saw him as a product of a failed marriage and thus viewed him as a failure himself. Their mentality was "if your dad left you, you must suck" and Fang sometimes believed them. The worst of them was the biggest of the triplets, Bright.

Bright was a near identical version of his much nicer and caring father, Rogue, but was mean and had a spoiled attitude. He orchestrated everything that Fangs siblings did to him, whether it be teasing or flat out attacking him. Fang didn't care because they weren't strong enough to hurt him, being 17 and all. Though he gave Bright credit, he was smart and was very good at acting innocent in front of their mom.

Next on his hate list was his sister Mercy. She was easily the most like his mother out of the siblings and never really physically attacked Fang, but she did help cover up her siblings tracks and was sneaky like her father.

Now Fang didn't really hate his youngest brother, Cal, but he did not appreciate how he got peer pressured so easily. Being the runt, he couldn't defend himself from his older siblings and thus had to do what they said or else. Every now and then he would apologize and talk with Fang which made a little sibling relationship between the two but were immediately back to square one by the next morning.

Overall though, Fang could care less about his siblings and even considered his cousins, Arty and Apollo, as his siblings. They were named by Owen after the two Greek god twins because of Echo and Narci ironically being the same as the Greek myth. Echo and Narcissus.

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