Nemesis' Journey: "Oh great, a red one"

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Several hours later:

Red, Felicia, and Pyro had been running for quite some time now, evident by the sun nearly dipping down over the horizon indicating night was soon to come. Things were looking up for them as they slowed down eventually to a stop.

"Dude... You can breathe fire?" Red asked as soon as they all caught their breath, his face showing a look of pure childish happiness and curiosity. He looked as if he would start giggling like a kid in the toy section after his mom said he could get something. Pyro just nodded as he looked around, checking the nearby surroundings.

"The humans in Biosyn tested on me, turned me into a weapon. None of the fire is natural because it comes from a system built into me. I'm half machine and half dinosaur." he said simply as he continued to inspect the area before deeming it safe and sitting down. "It is a neat ability and has the drawback of making me thirsty and have a dry cough." Pyro said as he coughed in a way that didn't sound painless.

Felicia was intrigued by this fact and sat next to Pyro, about 4 talon lengths away. "You were very brave back there and thank you for saving my brother." she thanked the pyroraptor as she couldn't make eye contact with his bright orange eyes. Red almost immediately caught on and was going to say something before Pyro interrupted him.

"It really wasn't a problem and bravery isn't really my strong suit. I tried to run all my life from those Biosyn bastards but they caught me and I didn't fight back. Things are different now, because now I have something to fight for." he said as he turned to Felicia who in response blushed slightly much to Red's chagrin. He hated the fact that his youngest sister was flirting with some guy they met on a plane.

"Ok" Red said out loud in a way that silently said 'listen up' "If you 2 are going to flirt do not ever do it in front of me." he said as he almost ALMOST laughed at the faces they made. "I hate to break it to you but we are in the middle of fucking nowhere and the last thing I need is for both of you to tango in the middle of the night whilst I am trying to sleep. So you" he says as he looks at Pyro "Keep your dick in the feathers, and you" he now faces Felicia "Try to at least keep off of it til we settle down somewhere."

Both raptors sat there speechless as to what the red striped raptor had just said. Before they could refute, a rustling could be heard in the bushes. Suddenly a red feathered raptor peers out, tears running down her face.

"Please help me!!" she cried out as the tears fell "I lost my family and can't find them." she sniffled as she peered at them all. It was obvious she was another pyroraptor and much to Red and Felicia's surprise, Pyro got excited. "I'm not the only one!!" he yelled triumphantly as he looked at the smaller pyroraptor.

"Tell me child. What is your name?" he asked excitedly as a look of genuine nervousness covered the little pyroraptors face. "A-Amber" she said as she was face to face with another member of her species.

Pyro seemed to think on the name before smiling, saying it was a nice name. "Are there others out th-" "You're not really lost aren't you?" Red cut the fire breather off as Amber's eyes seemed to widen. 'How does he know? This worked on the other one.'

"Uhhh.... rats." she said as other feathered raptors emerged from the bushes. They looked similar to pyroraptors just slightly bulkier and maybe a little longer. The biggest one had a head crest and dark red feathers, he was definitely the alpha. Another one was close to him, almost in a caring way Red noticed, 'Maybe they are a thing?' he thought to himself.

There was also another pyroraptor there who was a male and slightly darker in color than Amber, almost as dark as Pyro. "How many pyroraptors are there?" the lead raptor asked as he looked over at the smaller male to which he shrugged.

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