Nemesis' Journey: Uncharted Territory

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Nemesis and Luna had been travelling for a total of 30 minutes and had already run into their first problem.

They were lost.

"You mean to tell me you don't remember the direction you came from when you fled from fighting my brother!?" Luna yelled at him as Nemesis could be seen flinching away from her words as he tried desperately to remember where they were.

"No..." Nemesis said as he stayed silent for a couple of seconds before continuing "I just need to find a certain tree" he said as he looked around. There was no certain tree and he was most definitely just trying to delay the painful death he would get once Luna realized he was of no use to her anymore. "Besides we have tons of time so calm down." he said to her as he watched her visibly become angrier at his words.

After minutes of pretend searching Luna finally snapped at Nemesis. "Do you know the way or not!?" she yelled at him, as he slowly turned to her. "Uh... maybe?" he said as she roared at him in fury before turning around and screaming. "Oh my lord why did I let you survive? I should've just killed you when I had the chance but no, I believed your lie about my brother." she said as she whipped back around to a thoughtful looking Nemesis staring at the sun.

"What are you doing now?" she asked as he continued to stare at the trajectory of the sun. A freight train of thoughts hit him as he realized something. "Luna I know which direction it was in, just take me back to the clearing where you started chasing me." he said urgently not out of care but for the sake of his life. In response Luna muttered about "stupid one eyed excuse of a raptor" before walking in the general direction of the area.

Upon arriving there Nemesis walked up to the tree he had first seen Luna on then to the sun. "The sun sets in the West and I ran here from the East so that must be the direction he is in." Nemesis said as he pointed Eastward towards the direction of the Sierra Nevada. 

Luna stared blankly at him, the silence engulfing them was loud and awkward before she began to speak. "So are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna lead me to my brother before I kill you." she said simply as Nemesis quickly began trotting in the direction he pointed in. He had to solely hope they ran in a rough straight line because for a week he rarely stopped running out of fear, not being able to see half of his surroundings in that time.

"It took me 3 weeks of running to get here so our journey is going to be long. I'd say a month or so before we arrive." he said as he looked behind him at the white indoraptor who still looked annoyed with him. He didn't know if that was just her face or an actual feeling of annoyance on her face but he wouldn't question it.

Hours past as they traveled in silence, only ever talking if to ask one another when they wanted to rest or hunt. Night soon fell upon the 2 and they took their places at a tree the same as they did the first night. Luna had explained a set of explicit rules that Nemesis would have to follow that he thought was unfair in some cases but could live with.

"Rule number 1. You listen to me and everything I tell you to do." she said as Nemesis looked at her from a good distance. "Rule number 2. You sleep on the ground, I sleep in the tree." and finally the last rule which was "You only get 1/4 of the food from anything we catch.".

The last one was the one Nemesis had the most problems with because he hadn't eaten in a week so only getting 1/4 of a meal as his next meal was outrageous. However, he did not fight it as he would likely get a worse rule added if he did speak out. Plus he has been tuned to not disobeying orders by Wu.

As she finished her rules, Luna climbed the tree and closed her eyes. Nemesis sat there at the base of the tree thinking about how his life had come to this. He used to be strong and feared by smaller dinosaurs yet here he was getting bossed around by someone he once claimed to be weaker than him. At one point he was stronger than Luna but that time wasn't now.

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