Chapter 24: appointment

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After I finished eating, I hung out on my balcony for at least an hour before deciding to take a nap. I ended up waking up in the evening, eating my dinner, then sleeping again.

Yeah, the afternoon goes by; nothing interesting happened, but I think the events that happened that morning are enough. If another event had happened that afternoon, I might have collapsed from exhaustion, so thank God the day went by peacefully.

Then, another day started, and I woke up quite early than usual as I have an appointment, which is quite rare since I've been a lazy person for months. So, I'm kind of excited about the appointment, even though I don't know who I'm meeting, but since Axel is quite excited about it, I'm looking forward to it too.

Floria helped me dress up after taking a bath with the help of a few servants. I'm wearing a red maternity dress with many expensive stones stuck in it. I dress more fancy than normal as I'm meeting important guests, so it can't be helped.

Floria also styled my hair into a bun and wore expensive, flashy hair accessories that matched the dress I'm wearing. They also put some makeup on my face.

"You look beautiful, milady," the servant, who is applying makeup to my face, complimented.

"You sure do, milady!" the other servant, who is assisting the servant who is applying the makeup, agreed.

"Whoever laid their eyes on you will surely be mesmerized by your beauty," another servant said, who is assisting Floria with styling my hair.

"You flatter me." I smiled at their compliments, slightly embarrassed by their words, but it couldn't be helped; they were just stating facts.

"Hair done, master," Floria informed me.

I looked at the reflection of Floria on the mirror and saw her gesturing to the servant, who assisted her, to step aside.

Witnessing the way she gestured that way towards the servant, I couldn't help eyeing her.

I know that she noticed that I was staring at her but chose to ignore my stare and ordered the servants who did my makeup to step aside while I'm still staring at her. Before I could even notice, there were only the two of us in the room.

"I know that my face is pleasing to stare at, but please refrain from staring too much; it's not like it's going anywhere," she stated shamelessly while her head was held high.

I frown at her shamelessness.

I opened my mouth to reply to her statement but decided to close my mouth. I glance at her overall appearance, and I can't deny that her beauty is pleasing to the eyes, especially those red eyes that stand out the most in her appearance.

I was going to tell her why I was staring at her, but I decided that it would be a waste as she would totally ignore me and change the subject.

I sigh as I feel defeated before I can even start the battle.

"You are done, master," she stated.

We look at our reflection in the mirror. I am sitting in a chair while Floria is standing behind me.

I observe my appearance and am in awe at my dressed-up appearance. I'm sparkling because of the jewelry on both my head and dress.

"You look beautiful, master," Floria complimented while touching both of my shoulders while leaning forward to match my height, making her face way beside mine, and looking at our reflection, admiring the beauties in the mirror.

"Indeed," I agreed almost immediately.

I glanced at her appearance through the mirror. "But your beauty is no joke either," I complimented her.

Eve | [Completed] [Unedited]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon