Chapter 79: Stupid Idea

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Oliver was frozen on the spot as he heard Iris's accusation. He was beyond disbelief. He can't utter a word because of the shock.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver feigned ignorance.

But deep down, he knew exactly what Iris was accusing him of.

Iris was not one bit happy about his actions when she was sure that she was correct.

Iris could feel her patience snap like a twig as she glared at the man in front of her.

"Kneel now!" she demanded, tired of his excuses and want for him to admit his actions.

Driven by his fear, Oliver immediately followed her order and kneeled with the tops of his feet flat on the floor and his buttocks resting on his heels while lowering his head, afraid to fuel Iris's anger even further.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispered, hoping she would forgive him.

Iris sighed out of frustration.

He admits he did do it.

"What did you do it without asking for my advice?" she asked, her voice laced with disappointment.

He hung his head in shame.

"I'm sorry," he muttered quietly.

"Do you know how risky this pregnancy was?" she continued.

Oliver didn't respond with his head lowered, still feeling guilty for not consulting her.

The situation is driving Iris nuts.

She couldn't believe that Oliver could be so careless.

"Do you regret it?" she asked.

Oliver looked up with his eyes wide open, surprised by her question.

"No!" he immediately responded.

"I don't regret it at all," he said firmly.

Seeing his firm determination, Iris could only sigh and nod in understanding. Because of the bond between them from the imprinting, she knew that Oliver was firm about this decision and that nothing could change his mind.

But hearing his answer from his own heart made Iris feel reassured.

"How did you know to conduct the ritual?" Iris asked.

"I learned it from the book." Oliver stated simply.


Iris didn't know such a thing existed. Eves are ancient races, which means the book must have been from ancient times too.

"Yes. It was the book I mentioned before. You know the one that has been passed down through generations in my family."

"Ah!" Iris gasped in realization.

Oliver did mention that book years ago, but many things happened that made Iris forget about its existence.

"There's information about doing the ritual in the book?" Iris asked eagerly.

"That's right," replied Oliver with a nod.

"There are no records about a male Eve ever conceived. Do you understand what I am trying to imply?" Iris asked with a raised eyebrow.

Oliver nodded.

"Making it even more dangerous since you will the first one. There are no records about it, making it even more risky and uncertain," Iris added with a hint of concern in her voice.

Oliver didn't respond, but his ears are perked up, indicating that he was listening closely.

"May it be a human or an Eve, a male's body is not suited for pregnancy." Iris continued.

Iris glanced at Oliver's belly.

"But it seems like it's not impossible for a male Eve."

Iris withdrew her sight away from him.

Oliver looks up to Iris.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

Iris can see a gleam of hope in Oliver's eyes.

"But that doesn't mean it's easy. Your body is still not suited for it," Iris replied.

"I know," Oliver admitted.

"You know the risk involved. Don't blame me for what might happen." Iris warned.

"Of course. I will take responsibility for my own actions." Oliver promised.

Iris nodded at his unwavering determination.

"Who's the father?" Iris asked.

Iris met Oliver's eyes and immediately realized her question.

"Don't mind my question. It was stupid of me. Of course, it's his."

Iris was still pissed at the fact that the two of them left Iris out. Making such a decision without consulting an expert was a rather reckless move. But she decided to let it go and move on.

"We already talked about this and decided to keep the child."

"Of course, you will keep it. You wouldn't do that ritual in the first place if you didn't want to become parents."

Iris was being stingy.

One of the reasons that drove Oliver to do this was the imprinting ritual. Once Oliver was completely imprinted, he became a full-fledged Eve. And now Iris was regretting her decision.

It must have been the instinct of a full-grown Eve to conceive that drove him. Searching for a strong and capable individual to form a new life between them.

This was one of the worries Iris had once she imprinted on him and made him a full-grown Eve. The urge to conceive is inevitable for a full-grown Eve.

She didn't think that the situation she was fearing would come just two years after imprinting him. And the fact that he didn't tell her about it before deciding made her feel like sh*t.

"He knew about the risk, right?"


Iris breathes in and blows out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine. I will support you throughout your pregnancy. I'm the only Eve you know who experienced giving birth. It was the least I could do. Just call me if anything happens."

Iris scrunched down and gave Oliver a hug.

"Thank you so much, Iris. You have no idea how much this means to us." Oliver whispered and hugged Iris.

Iris patted his back, then urged Oliver to stand up.

Iris supported him, then wiped the small dust on his pants.

"I advise you to stay in my palace during your pregnancy to prevent the word from spreading about you being pregnant and for the convenience that we are in the same palace."

Oliver nodded his head. "I will tell Noah."

Iris nodded.

"How long have you been pregnant?" Iris asked.

"It's been two months."

No wonder he's getting tired easily lately.

"You should stop working for the time being and focus on your health. I will send someone to your room to check on your state. Don't worry about your secret being revealed. They are trustworthy."

"But who will do the work?"

"Don't worry about it. I will handle it myself."

Oliver was dumbfounded by her statement. He knew that Iris didn't like to work but hearing her say she would work was quite an odd thing for him. He wonders if she can survive all the hard work she will have to do. However, he decided to trust her and let her handle it herself.


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