Chapter 38: Banquet Part 4

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It was the day that we have been waiting for, the anniversary banquet for the Emperor of Helian Empire, Emperor Noah Axel Helianthus.

Preparing for this event has been a hassle and nerve racking for me. I have to be expose with many strangers this time. It will be the first for me to attend this kind of event so it's no wonder I'm nervous.

We started preparing my look at noon, they started grooming me then started styling my hair and bake my face with make up.

And you ever wonder if I was banned to eat food and fasting to avoid getting fat then I would say they would not dare to banned me from eating. Because I'm pregnant, they can't force a pregnant woman not to eat. And it's not like it would make a difference if I'm not eating, it would not be obvious since my dress is not fit.

They assist me to put on the green dress that was customized by the seamstress and wore the shoe that was made from the gobbler.

They also decorated my hair with expensive hair accessories that matches my dress that was given to me by Axel from his gifts at the time that he gave me a field of flowers.

When they were done with my make up, I looked at the vanity mirror to check if ever I don't like it. But looking at how it makes my face looks innocent, made me nod in approval. The make up is not heavy but soft that makes me look innocent which I want to portray today's banquet.

I want to look harmless in front of them to avoid getting too much attention.

I know it sounds ridiculous for me to say that as the fact that my position will get attention even if I don't do anything but at least I try to make things less interesting.

After that, they assist me to wear the necklace, earrings and the ring that worth I don't know how much but I know it's definitely not cheap jewelries. Axel gave us a unlimited budget for this so I didn't bother asking the price.

I touched the necklace laid gently around my neck and feel the cold sensation of the emerald stone.

"Finish," Floria stated.

I nodded my head and stood up from the chair and walked my way in front of the whole body mirror.

Looking at my appearance on the mirror, I can see an familiar appearance that I saw many times in the past but can't get used of how gorgeous appearance I possess.

Dressing expensive clothes and accessories, wearing make up, all of those are not unfamiliar to me.

I've been doing these in the past, a past that can't be easily forgotten.

"You look magnificent mother," Oliver complimented while giving me a warm smile.

"Of course," I agreed shamelessly and gave him a slight grin.

I turned around to face Oliver who was watching the whole process of preparation for the banquet.

He was currently standing right now but of course, he's not standing while we are busy doing the process of preparation since that would be tiring.

He must have stand up when we finally finished dressing myself.

Oliver has arrived since noon, he said that he don't have anything to do. He would rather spend his free time watching me getting ready than stay in his room.

I simply checked his outfit his wearing right now and saw his wearing his usual clothes, indicating how serious he was about not attending the banquet.

"You sure you are not going to attend the banquet?" I questioned.

He simply nodded, "This day is for you to shine and I don't particularly like going into this kind of events so it's not bothering me that much," he explained.

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