Chapter 71: Dreadful News

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The servants were going about their everyday affairs at Elysian Palace, just like any other day. Iris, on the other hand, was frequently spotted enjoying tea and scrumptious foods on her balcony overlooking the palace gardens.

She had always been fascinated by the lush greenery and colorful flowers that adorned the landscape. As she sipped her tea, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her privileged life.

Until she heard dreadful news from April.

"The emperor has been unconscious for almost a day," April informed

Iris can't help but frown at the news. She knew how important the emperor was to their country and how his absence could cause chaos.

"Are there any further details about the emperor's current state?" Iris asked as she stopped sipping her tea and leaned forward.

April shook her head. "All the information that butler Gior has sent is that the emperor is currently unconscious because of fatigue and stress. The physicians are doing everything they can to stabilize his condition, but it's still too early to tell if he'll wake up anytime soon." Iris furrowed her brow in concern.

Iris nodded, her mind racing with all the possible scenarios that could unfold if the emperor didn't recover. She knew she had to stay calm and focused, but it was hard when the fate of their entire nation hung in the balance.

"Why was I not informed of the situation this late?"

"According to my network information, they waited for a few hours before deciding anything, as they anticipated the emperor would wake up. However, the situation didn't come up as they anticipated. The distance of Elysian Palace from other palaces is also one of the reasons the news didn't arrive earlier." April explained.

Iris touched her throbbing head as she heard the explanation, trying to make sense of the situation. She couldn't believe that they had missed such an important event, and her mind raced with questions.

How long had the emperor been unconscious? Who was in charge of the kingdom in his absence? And most importantly, what would happen next?

As she pondered these thoughts, April continued to speak. "The council has been summoned to discuss the matter and determine a course of action. In the meantime, we must remain vigilant and prepare for any potential threats to the empire." Iris nodded solemnly, realizing that this was a time of great uncertainty for their people.

Iris can't help but feel responsible as the queen of the empire, even though she's not responsible for any political affairs of the empire.

As Iris was only a queen in the empire, she didn't have any responsibility or right to be involved in any political affairs of the empire. The empress was the only one among the emperor's women to have the right to be involved in political affairs.

It is necessary to have a regent in charge of the empire during these crucial times when the emperor is not present. The next heir was usually the regent; however, in this case, the heirs are still infants, making them eliminated from the options. The title regent would next be given to the empress, but this empire doesn't have any empresses. As a result, the council of advisors must convene to determine who will take on the role of regent.

This decision is not one to be taken lightly, as the regent will have immense power and responsibility in governing the empire. The council will need to carefully consider each potential candidate's qualifications, experience, and loyalty to the empire. They may also need to consult with other leaders and officials within the empire to gather more information and perspectives.

As for Iris, she was out of options since she's only a queen; she can't be a regent.

Butler Miguel appeared on the balcony with his chest moving up and down.

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