Chapter 39: Banquet Part 5

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Seating in this carefully crafted seat with a comfortable cushion, that not anyone can just take a sit on it.

It may not as important as the emperor's throne, nevertheless, it also has its own value that can never be compared to anything else.

It may be a seat for someone who posses the empress title, I, who only have a title as queen, it was not a seat that was meant for me.

However, as no one posses the empress title as of the moment, I am the highest ranking woman in the empire and the second next to the emperor in term of ranking regardless being only a queen.

Overall, I'm powerful but in my name only. I don't have political influence but that will change once this child inside me will be born in this world.

Regardless of me carrying a royal child, it will be useless if the emperor did not favor me but I don't have to mind that as Axel treat well that anyone can.

Back straight, chin held high and a smile plastered on the face, that's how I've been doing ever since I took a sit on the empress throne. Giving a friendly smile towards the nobles, who greeted a congratulations to Axel for his third year of reigning and also tried to congratulate me for being the new queen.

Many also tried to melt me with sweet words to try to gain my favor but I did not let myself be fooled with empty words.

"Are you alright?" Axel whispered to me after a noble finished greeted him.

I glanced at him and gave him a tired smile.

"I would like to introduce some of my trusted subordinates then after that you can take a rest for the day," he whispered again and gave me an apologetic smile.

"I understand," I simply responded.

Axel turned back his attention to the noble in front and heard a congratulations that every nobles have said.

The line for queuing to have the opportunity to greet the emperor is long full of nobles.

Just looking at it already made me tired.

How long would it take to finish this?

Every nobles just said the same thing, sweet words trying to appease the emperor and some even mentioned unnecessary things like their businesses.

They might have think that the emperor might be interested in it but looking at Axel, not an ounce of interest can be seen on his face.

How cruel.

Seeing this dull expression despite the effort of the nobles trying to appease him, the nobles can only withdraw in defeat.

Some even change their target to me but was dismissed by the emperor when they finished greeting me.

I smiled, not in a forced way this time but in a natural way ever since I step into this banquet because of the kind consideration of the emperor.

"I greets his majesty the emperor and her majesty the queen," a noble greets us and bow down his head.

The noble that greeted us was the man who requested a reconsideration for me to be the queen.

I squints my eyes at him, trying to observe his actions.

"I gave my congratulations to his majesty's three years of reigning the empire. And to our dear new queen, her majesty, congratulations for being the new queen," the nobleman said.

We made eye contact and he gave me a smile.

I don't know if I'm just being distrustful because of all the warnings from people around me but I don't trust those smiles.

Eve | [Completed] [Unedited]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon