Chapter 69: Naming Ceremony

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The royal heirs have been alive for months, but they still don't have a name, nor are they legally recognized as a new member of the Helian imperial line.

A newborn's name was the most crucial gift anyone could ever offer to them. a name that may identify someone and serve as their representation.

The formal naming ceremony should have taken place, but it was postponed for much too long. Although naming someone is simple, the twins' circumstance was that they were royals. For them to be acknowledged as the newest member of the imperial family, their naming ceremony must be held in front of the whole public. 

The second heir was likewise in poor condition and has been taking medicine for the last three months.

The aforementioned activities required three months of planning because they were staged as a national ceremonial to which ambassadors from other countries were also invited.

The day of the naming ceremony has finally arrived after diligent planning on the part of many individuals. 

People from both domestic and foreign countries crowded the streets of the imperial capital to watch the significant event that will go down in the history of the Helian Empire. The streets were lined with vendors selling a variety of goods, including food, accessories, and even entertainment services.

The imperial capital was so beautifully decorated that at first glance, anyone could mistakenly believe that a festival was taking place there.

All throughout the main square, banners were hung as decorations. 

A miraculous stone, known as the meduim, was located in the middle of the stage, which was visible from the plaza, and it will be used to show the new members of the imperial family for the first time in public as well as to satisfy public interest in seeing the imperial family as a whole. 

The capital's streets have a dazzlingly brilliant ambience. In contrast, Minbury Palace, the location of big banquets, was solemn since the staff there was busy preparing for the subsequent feast that would follow the naming ceremony.

Meanwhile, the servant at Elysian Palace is anticipating the occasion because they have heard that the city was in a joyous mood for the naming ceremony. 

Before making her first appearance in front of a huge crowd in a while, Iris was getting ready for herself and doing a few rituals, which are treatments that royal members typically perform before attending important occasions.

At the previous dinner, Iris did make an appearance as the queen in front of the general public, but since that gathering was only open to aristocrats, it cannot be compared to the vast population of the empire.

Iris detested being in the spotlight, especially in front of a huge crowd, but this day was an exception because she was going to her own children's naming ceremony. 

April said, "Done," and stepped back so Iris could see her image in the mirror.

Iris looks at herself in the mirror.

Iris had loosely curled hair hanging down her back. Her curves stood out thanks to the way her short-sleeved ball gown with dark green appliques hugged her body. In addition, a set of emerald jewels from the emperor's gift collection is donned.

The tiara is the last item. 

Flora gently removed the tiara from the satin pillow and set it on top of Iris's head.

Iris gaze at the tiara that is perched over her head while gazing into the mirror.

Diamonds and emeralds were the two types of jewels used to make the taira. The size and color of the emerald stones, however, make them distinctive.

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