Chapter 73: Confession

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Iris was taken aback by the empress dowager's sudden confession.

Iris looks at the empress dowager, who remained stoic and composed despite her shocking confession.

"May I ask the reason, your majesty?" Iris asked cautiously.

"You must have known about the true identity of your servant."

Iris hesitated to answer the empress dowager.

Seeing Iris's reaction, the empress dowager guessed she didn't know.

"That child grew up under me. I trained her to become the next empress, but that child betrayed the people who provided her necessities and luxuries in return for her own life." The empress dowager's voice was filled with disappointment and anger.

Iris could feel the weight of the empress dowager's words and knew that she had to tread carefully. "Your Majesty, I understand your frustration, but perhaps there is more to this story than we know. Perhaps there were circumstances that led her to make the choices she did." Iris spoke softly, hoping to calm the empress dowager's anger.

The empress dowager looks at Iris eye-to-eye, her eyes clouded with hatred and anger. "I do not care for excuses," she spat out, her voice laced with venom.

"She has betrayed me and the entire clan. I will not rest until I bring her to ruin!"

Iris knew that the empress dowager was not one to be easily swayed, but she also knew that there was no point in arguing with her when she was in this state of mind.

Iris finally understands now that she knows the whole story.

April was the reason why the treason was stopped before it could even start by telling someone from the other side.

"Your Majesty, why are you telling me this?" Iris asked, still trying to process the information.

The empress dowager looked at Iris with an unexpected soft gaze and replied, "Because I don't want you to get caught up in this fight. I know how dangerous it can be, and I don't want you to suffer the same fate as me."

Iris stared at the empress dowager in shock at how gentle she was towards her.

Hearing the statement of the empress dowager made Iris realize the reason.

The empress dowager felt sympathy and kinship towards her as they were in the same situation, but the empress dowager had one thing wrong.

"Your majesty," Iris called with a solemn voice.

"I thank you for your concern."

"However, I don't need it. I came here on my own, and I know what I'm doing."

The empress dowager looked surprised. Iris continued, "I appreciate your sympathy and kinship, but I am not helpless. I can survive with or without your support."

Iris said this with full determination and without harm, but the empress dowager saw this as an insult for rejecting the hand reaching out to help her.

The empress dowager's expression turned sour as she replied, "I understand your desire for independence, but it is important to remember that no one can truly make it on their own. We all need a helping hand at some point in our lives." Iris nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in the empress dowager's words. However, she remained steadfast in her decision to rely on herself and not be a burden to others.

"I appreciate your concern," Iris said with a smile, "but I am confident in my abilities and will continue to strive towards my goals independently."

The empress dowager's patience hit its limit as she watched Iris's unwavering determination. "You may think you can handle everything on your own, but there will come a time when you need the help of others," the empress dowager warned. However, Iris remained firm in her stance and replied,

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