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SONG! :))))

put it on loop <3


Why did Bob just yell at me? Why did she call me a damn needy bitch? Does she hate me or shit? Were all the things people said about her true? No it can't be she was always nice with me. URGH what if they WERE right! WHY CAN'T I JUST LISTEN WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO HELP ME! DUMB ASS ME!

3rd POV

So let's leave YN rethinking her life. While we go see Bob, and try to see what she was actely doing.

Bob's POV

URGH why did she need to call me NOW of all time! I was actely going somewhere with J______ (I don't know what to put for his name) I am at his place right now we were gonna kiss to! URGH. Damn IT!

3rd POV

Welp I guess she wasn't in a meeting after all. I hope YN is doing ok.

YN was reathink everything, the things people said, what Bob would want from her,  what if she didn't mean it. I don't think thats it.


Why am I so stupid! Everyone I know hates her, got hurt by her, AND I PROTECTED HER. PLUS I CAN'T JUST LEAVE HER BEHIND. Why can't I just leave her behind?

I rethought about it for looooooooooooong while, did I have feelings for her? How? Why? I hate this. God why do I even think I have feelings for her. She just yelled at me and called me a needy bitch. God Damn It. Why do I even maybe like her...

right she was nice to ME

I think I thought I could maybe changer her? Maybe? MAybe not? Urgh feelings are anoying.

Anyway I need to stop thinking about it. I got the Job! I need to be happy about it! I'll make new friends! I just can't be my shy ass self but not change myself either. Ok we have a start. 

I needed to pack, I need to move within a month. Is that even possible? idk I'll need to try! PLUS they new I'm moving so they need of thought about the month thingy! So ya I'll have time! I took my time to relax. I needed to clear my head. Watch a movie? Go to the lil swamp? Go shoping for plushies? Well I'm supposed to go back home in 2 days pack so we could do all three! Yay! 

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