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(I just saw that people working at hershey park as scare actors had free housing. Oops. Let's ignore that 😂)



I was going to the airport, to my new appartement. I had received an emeil from the park saying that in 6 days I could get a tour around the park and to meet my now coworkers. They hadn't told me what hour to come so I just guessed I'm was gonna receive it soon. I was waiting in the airport to hear my plane number. I had arrived an hour earlier to make sure I was abble to put my all my luggage in the plane. (I had said all the essentials. So a couple sets of clothing, a inflateble matress, and other stuff like that, so you had a couple luggages) I needed to pay extra for the luggage but it was better then to buy all new things. 

When they finally called my flight number I got in it was more crowded then the first time. Last time they were a couple free seats but now every single seat was taken. I was in a middle seat. i hated it. My idea was to sleep the whole way. since i did NOT want to talk ot starngers.

I had bought an appartement not to far away from the secret swamp so I was abble to go alot. I was exited to decorate my new appartement. I also brought the plushie I had bought earlier in the plane to relax. It was harder then I thought to sleep in the middle seat. But I still managed.

When I had finally arrived. I got in a cab, they brought me to my new appartement with my luggage. I needed to bye groceries so I walked there. I got some of my favorite foods. You know THE goods. I really needed a better way of getting to my appartement then with a cab cuz after a while its gonna cost. So I noted to myself mentally, of getting a better way for transportation. I called a cab again, they brought me to my new appartement, in about 4 minutes. It was really close to the super market. There was everything in the kitchen so I was abble to put them away. I wanted to watch something, good for me there was a TV. But no couch, so I took my infletable matress with its lil pump. Put it infront of the tv, took my favorite blanket. And decided on my fav movie!

I slept through the movie. Oops. We are in the morning so I slept for about 11h. Welp now I know i have the energie to do stuff. Good. I wanted to visit the swamp. Even if I just discorvered it I couldn't stop thinking about it, it was so peaceful, calming, pretty, empty, it made ALL my thoughts go away in a second. In so I went, by foot, took in the scenery a lil, with music in my ears. I had arrived to the swamp, I saw a tree that let the sun shine thruw its branches. I had brought my diary, I didn't always use it as a diary though more of a sketchbook but it had a lock. So I started calling it a diary. I started to draw things around me. The main thing the swamp, the plants and the animals passing thruw. I was happy with what I had druw, and decided it was time to go visit shops! I wanted to go to a backery since I hadn't eaten this morning. 

When I had arrived, the smell of baked goods filled my nose. It smelled SO GOOD! I chose some cute lil muffins (you can choose the flavor) they were AMASING! I knew I had to come back during other days! I left when I had finished, I didn't know what to do, so I just walked around town. 

I did that for 5 days. I found the town super cute! Tomorrow was the day I had the tour around the park and met my coworkers! I am so excited! words can't really describe how happy I am! Anyway earlier today they emailed me that the tour was gonna be at 9 in the morning, The park was gonna be opened so to come from the back erea. They had emailed me whole instructions on how to NOT miss the back erea so I was okay. They had also told me that the person showing me around was some dude and that they called them Fryboy? They explained that he was gonna be in his clown fit so atleast I knew in advence.

fryboydb :3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя