REQUEST StrangerthingsUmU

263 4 6


I LOVE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE!!! :D it's my go to game to play when nothing to do lol. ANYWAY THANK FOR THE REQUEST!!!









That is the people YN is playing truth or dare with! :)thank you StrangerthingsUmU for telling me the crews characters names (i was lost on another level lol) 



THESE ARE HEADCANONS BTW (with reader ofc)

- Def at night when bored/have nothing to do

- Would ask for snacks 100%

- Music in the background

- The crew would try to trick Fryboy or YN to tell their feelings for eachother

- Weird ass dares like act like a chicken or  

- Becomes VERY chaotic VERY fast

- Platonic flirting ALL THE DAMN WAY

- After a lil while people wouldn't know what to say so Streetrat requested to play dare or ... dare

- When that is changed, the room will be filled with uncrontolable laughters

- People will still say REDECULASS dares BUT they wouldn't have had the chance to trick one of the two lovebirds yet.

- That was gonna change when Cricket dared Fryboy to kiss his crush.

- Gascan was like HA told ya to fryboy, while Nonni looked at me with a smirk and a "your welcome face"

- People would start to stop playing the game one by one starting to get hungry

- They would be making snack for a movie.

- Hybrids idea, he seemed really exited about a new movie he saw the trailor of, so you guys went with that.

- The night ended up every single one out like a light on the couch.


Like um old on.

YN's PoV

Me and the crew wanted to go to the local coffe shop that stayed open 24/7. No one was ever there at night. idk why tho. 

Nonni: Hey! *like she had an idea type of thing* does anyone wanna play truth or dare?

YN: That be fun :)

Streetrat: HELL YA

Gascan: Ya sure

Fryboy: Sure

Spatz: I'm in!

Cricket: SAME HERE!

Spaz: why not.

Hybrid: I think Ima sit this one out.

He didn't leave he just went to go get something to eat.

Fryboy: Hey! Hybrid could you grab me a lil something 2?

Hybrid: Ya ofcourse! Anyone else.

Everyone else: Oooh yes please!

Nonni: So... wait can I start?

YN: I don't mind!

Everyone else accept from hybrid. cuz im lazy: Ya ofc!

Nonni: Ok... Spaz truth or dare?

Spaz: I'll go with dare!

Nonni: Ok dance like a chicken!

Spaz: I meen if you wanna see it...

After a lil while cuz again lazy right now.

Streetrat: People are playing it safe now. BORIIIIING Let's play dare or dare instead!

Spatz: So just dares? *stares at him like seriously dude*

Streetrat: YUP! :) *looks proud of himself*

Cricket: Um ok well it was my turn to ask someone but I guess I get to the fun part :D

Nonni: this is gonna be BAAAD *while laughing*

Cricket: Ok I dare fryboy to...

Fryboy: oh dear


Nonnie: Or good *said underneath her breath, with a smirk face knowing the both are MADLY in love*

Fryboy: What if they aren't here

Nonni: Oh I KNOW there here.

fryboy: I guess I don't have a choice in this? *he said laughing cuz THIS WAS PERFECT FOR HIM*

He came towards you and well kissed you. It was a sweat and a quick kiss. You started to blush, telling him you like him 2. He grabbed you waist and brought you to the couch. Putting you in his lap. others that left a bit before to eat came back with bowls FULL to the brim with snacks. Nonni came and sat next to you whispering.

Nonni: Are you glad I asked Cricket to give him that dare? *smirk face*

You just nodded, you always talked about ALL your feelings about Fryboy to Nonni. She helpped you with something you weren't able to say out loud to him. You were very thankful. You heard Hybrid yell.

Hybrid: WAIT, BEFORE ANYONE SAIS THERE STUPID IDEA FOR A MOVIE LISCEN TO MINE. Ok ok so I saw a new movie was out. Let me look it up.

He had found it and it looked really interesting averyone agreed to it and in the middle we fell asleep on the coffee shop's couch. The owner of the coffee shop knew all of us so they didn't mind us just sleeping here.


I'm so sorry it took so long, my mental health right now is really down BUT WHATEVER have a good day! :)

( •̀ ω •́ )✧Bye BBYe!

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