「18」;Little Reason

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"Director Hu,"

Upon hearing her name called, Hu tao whips her head behind. Facing Zhongli who had surprisingly, and graciously tagged along in her search of a new customer.

"How does one deal with grief?" Zhongli carefully asked. His deep voice is nearly inaudible, Hu Tao had to carefully think again to make up what he said.

"Grief huh," Hu Tao slowed her steps, looking up the blinding clouds as she walk beside her counselor. "Grief... grief," She hums, her steps had gotten larger yet slower. "Like the hilltop of Wuwang Hill. Humid and damp, gushing waterfall everywhere yet non you can hear." Hu Tao's eyes are locked to the sky, with a slight smile as she reminded herself of a few years back when her grandfather had just passed.

"Grief is the cold night, or was it day? Who knows~ when one grieves, one hardly cares about time." Hu Tao did not shout her words like usual, her smile had gotten milder as steps continued on.

"The world is plenty-filled with good-hearted people. Grief, should not be dealt alone. There will be one to stay by your side, reminding you to eat and telling you to sleep. Hehe, even going as far as plucking tree leaves for food!" 

Zhongli's frowned only deepened, more so than it was before. He understood what Hu Tao was trying to say, yet at the same time there was a nail of irony within her words. The person that accompanied her through her grief was the one who will be grieved, by then, what should Zhongli do?

"One shouldn't be allowed to grieve alone. That's why there's a funeral, eh? So we can gather those bunch and make them cry together in our esteemed Wangsheng Hall! Crying together is a thousand times better than alone, isn't it?" A cheery grin made it's way to Hu Tao's face, one that she proudly shows to Zhongli as she awaits his response.

"Mr. Zhongli, your husband is really—really good at consoling, you know that, right? Well he's a good cook, that certainly cheers me up back then. Whatever fight you two are having, I'm sure you can still run up to him for comfort."

"We're not fighting," Zhongli stated with an even more prominent pout.

"You're suddenly motivated to work, surely something is going on." 


"I'm saying is, whatever is your grief. Share it with someone. [M/n] is an expert, and he spoils you crazy so surely with him you'll get back up in no time. Or maybe Mr. Zhongli can just go to me and—"

"What if it's [M/n]... who dies."

Hu tao stops her steps, looking to the side at his employee. She was careful not to open her mouth too quickly, careful not to show any surprise lest it'll do more damage than good.

The look on Zhongli's face says it all, too devoid of curiosity despite his question. As though he did not want to know at all of the answer. As though he hated himself for even asking. Yet it tells one thing firmly, that he is dead serious.

"I can't tell you how you should grief. It's up to you how to cry. Whether it's your neighbor, a random bird, or [M/n]..." how ambiguous. Hu Tao wasn't one to be afraid of mentioning death. To her, death isn't something to be frowned upon, it was the exact opposite. But she knew the last thing she would want is to make Zhongli more uncomfortable than he is.

"Well it goes back to what I said isn't it? I certainly can't stop death, and I can't stop you from grieving. If you want to lay in bed all day and cry your eyeballs out then do it. But just know there are ways to accept grief and there's plenty of people willing to help."

Even Hu Tao grieved. She who had a seemingly bright look on death had once risked her life in the name of mourning. She knew better how it feels to not be able to accept, to want to bid one last goodbye. She knew how desperate one can be in the face of an eternal farewell.

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