Chapter 3: Growing closer?

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The clashing of swords were heard in the training grounds. I watched as two of our new heroes, Alm and Chrom, trained together on my watch as I studied their fighting styles. I then saw Palla with her pegasus flying in the air.

"Alright! That's good for today everyone!" I commanded.

The three sat to rest and I approached them to speak.

"You all did great! Still, we need a bit more practice!"

"I agree. I promise I'll get stronger soon!" Alm said.

"I will keep training as well..." Chrom said as he knelt close to me and took my hand. "I'll train harder to protect you, milady."
"I-uh!" This was so weird. I felt super uncomfortable.
"Chrom, stop terrifying the child!" Palla stated. "I'm terribly sorry about him."
"Oh, no worries! I'll just be on my way! Great work today!"

I rushed off as fast as I could to get away from Chrom, who has a tendency to...Sway the ladies...Apparently, he tried to swoop me off my feet flirting. We need to work on that.

As I walked super quick, nearly running, my face hot and red, I bumped into Alfonse. As I stumbled back, he stopped my feet from falling back and he grabbed me by the hand until I was leaning.

"Ahh!" I let out a scream as I saw who caught me.
"Woah! Don't go to fast in these halls, or you'll trip like that."
"Alfonse!" I chuckled as he pulled me up. I stood up surprisingly close to him. I could tell he was blushing like me, as I took steps back.

"So, how was training?" He asked awkwardly.
"Oh, it was good. I just decided know, go on a walk." I diverged still dazed from what happened between me and Chrom. I didn't want to tell that to Alfonse, but I didn't have anything else to say. That was until Alfonse requested me something.

"Well, I was just looking for you to have some nice tea together. What do you say?" He asked.
"Yes! I would love to!" I rejoiced at the chance to speak with him by ourselves.

He usually doesn't hang out in the main hall with the Heroes, so I haven't talked to him as much recently.

I walked outside with him to a courtyard table with a tea tray recently placed on top. He pulls out a chair for me, and I sat gently. The gentleman sat down on the other chair, and then poured some tea in my cup. It was nice and steaming, I took small sips so that I wouldn't burn my throat. He did the same.

"You get along with the Heroes well." Alfonse commented.

"Especially with my hood on everytime I'm around them. I'm still trying to...Well, get use to being around so many people."

"I've always wondered that. You take your hood off when you're around us. Meaning me, Sharena and the Commander."
"You all been the first ones to earn my trust. It is only fair for me to take it off infront of you guys. Even if I feel like hiding under it when I get awkward."
I laughed and he followed my laughs.

"Despite all that, I'm grateful for their aid and all of their sacrifices they've made. Leaving home to fare in a war is never easy." I continued.

"I'm sure you play a bigger part in all of this than you realize, " Alfonse smiles. "You boost morale for the entire army just by being here."

"Really? Thank you. That means a lot." My heart felt lighter listening to Alfonse.

"Do you consider getting to know any of the others better?" I ask.

"I find it best not to get to attached these days," he responds dully "Especially with the Heroes."

"O-oh. I see." I slowly stirred my tea. Alfonse’s attitude made the mood a bit gloomy, I hope he doesn't feel down himself for thinking about that. A poking thought bothered me, so after some time, I spoke.

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