Chapter 8: Demise

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Alfonse's p.o.v

Askr was turned to a barren wasteland due to Hel’s presence. Yet our castle stood strong. Crimson red skies over us, no sun nor moon. War waged between the living and the dead. Inside of the castle, Death had my sister, Sharena feared for her life on her knees infront of her. Her lance cast aside by Hel as she readied her scythe.

Aqua took it upon herself to defend Sharena while me and Princess Veronica finished the Heart’s Rite. My heart pounds as I see everything in motion so fast.

Aqua took my sword, Fólkvangr which I left in order to assist Veronica. She managed to block the attack on Sharena, but the fight was difficult for her to keep up. She had skills she could use, but she was determined to keep hidden. Her hood fell off her head, revealing her feared face, and mistakenly revealed who she was to Hel as she planned to use that against the Summoner.

"Even in everyone's desperate hour, you hold back. Pitiful" Hel asserted as Aqua's blade clashed against her scythe.

"You know... Nothing... About me." Aqua panted.
"You fear of the power you hold being your downfall" She declared coldly.
I turned my gaze to Aqua attempting to defend the paralyzed Sharena from Hel’s wrath. Everything began to crash down and the air felt heavy.

"Aqua!" I called out. "She could die if I don't get there."
"You can't. We must finish the rite." Veronica says. "She's buying us time, we need to use it!"
"If you believe in her like the many times I've seen, you'll trust her and help me finish!"

Of course I trust her! But she's face-to-face with death itself, my heart clenched at the thought of her dying at Hel’s hand.
I found myself in a position of predicament.

I glance at Aqua one more time just to see her struggling, but I knew what needed to be done. I placed my hands in my head and crouched to the floor of the castle as I groaned. I was at a loss, I don't know what to do. I either way gathered Breidablik in order to resume assisting Veronica. All I hope is that Aqua would be fine.

But what met my gaze next, haunted me. Aqua growing weak, her eyes wanting to shut, her legs shaking, and struggling to hold on to the sword. Her white robe became tattered with small rips at its end. Hel once again got close to Sharena, who now had a feared expression, one that I've never seen before.

With tears on her face, she extended a hand out to me. Memories rushed back to me. My beloved sister growing up flashed before my eyes.

"Sharena!" I called out as I extended my hand to her, I could hear my heart wildly beating. "Save yourself!" Sharena whispers. Hel’s scythe swung and made contact with Sharena's neck. My body froze and my eyes now in tears. I stare haunted as I watch my sister's body fall.

Aqua looked up and saw what her failure had done, causing tears to shed like a waterfall and had a newfound fury I've never seen. With a defeated battle cry, she tried to hit Hel, but couldn't. The rite made its move before anything else happened.

Upon the first beat, Veronica and I felt as if our breath was being stripped from us. My blood felt cold, like I was dead.

The next beat sounded, Aqua clenched her chest as she fell to the ground, struggling for breath. Her life being stripped away slowly. She managed to do one last move before it was too late. She outstretched her hand up despite being weak.

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