Chapter 14: My sanity died with them

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Fire Emblem Heroes
Chapter 14: My sanity died with them.

Our journey to the library was a long one, but we made it without many difficulties. Every feature of the library was the same as ours. Hours later, after closely researching, Alfonse managed to find something.
"Luckily, much of the library survived whatever tragedy befell this land... Judging from what I learned, this Askr is several years ahead of our own." He starts. All of us paying close attention.
"Really? Then is there an older Sharena here?" Sharena comments.
 "I'm afraid not... According to what I've read, the Sharena that lived here has already passed away, just like Aqua."
"WHAT? I died? But...looking at the state of this's hardly surprising."
"Did your reading shed any light on the cause of all this destruction?"

"I located some rather intriguing passages. Let me read you some... "The mighty king was cut down— victim to the curse of the ruler of the dead..." "As destruction took hold, we joined with Embla to seek the forbidden heart..."
"A forbidden heart? What could that be?"

"It's not clear. But it seems to be the key to a ritual Askr and Embla performed to combat Hel. "The Heart's Rite is the only method that may bring the ruler of the dead low..."
"Now, that's what I call a clue! Whatever this heart may be, it spells Hel's defeat, it seems. We have our objective, I'd say." Anna quickly jumped to conclusions, but Alfonse had bad news to back this up.
"Not so fast, Commander. "Though it may slay the ruler of the dead, it too spells our end... "With every pulse, it steals one life. "And so, death ravaged us in an eyeblink... First towns fell, and ultimately all the land... "People, beasts, any that drew breath—death came for all. "Mighty dragon Askr, forgive us this sin, unforgivable though it may be. "We beg of you one thing only: salvation."
"Are you saying that THIS is what happened here? To defeat Hel, our Askr would need to become like this one? If that is true... It's a cost that is far too great to contemplate."
I was speechless. This is the result of not using my powers too. But the question is, how did my other self die? If I never used my power. Then, what happened?

"What NOW?" Sharena asks. I turned to the sound of undead soldiers surrounding us, Líf amongst them.
 "Hmph." He scoffs, his cold stare gazed at us.
"Líf...why is your pursuit of us so dogged? Must we die?"
He didn't say a word. I command our small squad.
"To battle!"

I tried to approach Líf, but all he does is target Alfonse or shoves me out of the way. At one point, I caught a glimpse of Breidablik glowing and reacting again to whatever he has on his belt. His forces then retreated and we had him down.
"Urk!" He exclaims. Before fleeing, Alfonse caught his attention.
"Líf, wait! A question!" He pauses for a second. "That's not your name, is it? Líf? I'm right, aren't I?"
"Alfonse?" Sharena was just as confused as I was. What is Alfonse thinking? I couldn't read his expressions or theories.
Líf only scoffs again.

"I once thought you were my ancestor—the first Askran king— as you claimed... But that isn't true, is it? You know Sharena and Aqua. And it's not just that you know them. You care for them. You couldn't bring yourself to strike them, and you made an offering of their favorite flowers..."
"Alfonse, where are you going with this?" I mumbled.
"That means you are of our era, not the distant past. And you can open gates, like all Askran royalty." I thought of every word he said. Was it possible that-?

 "So?" Líf finally says.
"So, all that being true, there is only one person you might be. I know your name. Your real name."
"Silence!" Líf’s voice turned to one of hostile but panic. Alfonse just continued. His words leaving us all speechless.

"Alfonse. That is your name."


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