Chapter 6: Undone lies

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I'm at the training grounds again tonight, but not actually training. I was cleaning up some of the messes the Heroes made with all the blades and broken wood planks. Such strength to break so many. Guess that's why some of these are called Heroes, plus being the result of spending many hours on strength training.

Once everything was cleaned up, I turned to go to my room. I looked at the night sky, seeing the many stars accompanied by the glowing moon to light up the night. The night skies here in Askr are a wanderful sight to see.

"I should go." I yawn and stretch my arm to leave. That wasn't until I felt like I was being watched.

"Who's there?!" I spun, with my sword Breidablik in hand. The wind only answers.

All of a sudden, I see a figure running towards me with a dagger. Everything went so fast, I quickly deflect attack after attack. My attacker placed my hands behind my back and held me in place with the blade near my throat. No one moved.

"Who-?" I gasp.
"Only a fool would let there guard down like that." The voice was recognizable.
"Prince Bruno?! But how-?"

I tried to slowly lift my hand to take off his mask, so I can finally have my questions answered. But Bruno was cunning, he placed the dagger closer to my throat enough to slightly feel it, it felt cold and sharp.

"If you don't want to lose your head or your hand, I suggest you refrain from doing that." He whispered in my ear, his voice once again menacing, all I did was clench my teeth.

Instead of killing me, he drops his blade. I took the time grab Breidablik and pointed at him.
"Give me a good reason for me to not call for guards."
"I didn't came here to fight. I came here to ask you something." I suspected he was telling the truth.
"Let's hear it."
"I've been keeping watch of you for a while now. How you research day after day. I must ask, why are you even searching for a dead man? Especially, when you don't even know him." I firmly pointed my sword.

"I owe him so much for saving me. He's alive! I can feel it!"
"Are you sure?" He held out a familiar white coat. It belonged to Zacharias.
"Think about your answers again. Is he truly alive?" My body shook. That coat was evidence enough.
"You...You didn't..."

All that Bruno did was smirking maliciously.
"Tell me, do you wonder how I got in?" He changed the subject, I grew cautious. "Your guards deserved a little rest, and I was happy to oblige. Allow me to extend the same courtesy to you!" He shot a spell at me, a wave of tiredness hit me. I lost my grip on my sword.

"Bruno....What...?" My conscience faded to black.

Hours later...

I could hear different voices around me. My eyes couldn't open.

"She's still breathing!"
"What could've caused this?"
"I'll go get Prince Alfonse!"
"Stay with us!"

I could hear Leo, Mist, Lyn, and Ashe, a new hero from the land of Fódlan. My eyes finally opens to find 3 of them standing ontop of me.

"Are you feeling ok?" Mist asks concern.
"Hmm...Where?" I said confused.
Lyn came back running, relieved to see me awake."Aqua, you're awake! Thank goodness! I couldn't find Alfonse, but you seem fine."
"Oh. I'm sorry I worried you all."
"What even happened?" Leo asked.
"I don't know. I just felt some sort of sleeping spell on me and must've dozed off." I played the fool. I didn't want to alarm anyone about Bruno breaking into the castle.
"That would explain why the guards were also asleep." Ashe told me. That must be how Bruno got in. He casted a sleeping spell on the guards and me.

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