Chapter 10: What makes a good king

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Our army started the scouting about the undead army. We were scattered to search the tomb, Eir helped us a bit on the battlefield, soon I hope to get some training with her for future battles. After a while, Sharena came with a report.

"Sharena, reporting back! I've scouted the tomb. The enemy was easy to locate."
"Figured. How many are there?"
"Thousands... Too many to count. And they're on the march-south."

Anna spoke after thought. "What's south of here?"
"There's a town less than a day's march." Alfonse says worried.
"This is not good. There's no way they'd be able to defend themselves."
"We have to help!" Anna's expression was a troubled one.
"Think, Sharena! We can't stop an army of thousands by ourselves. We must dispatch a message to His Majesty at once and hope that his knights can get here in time. That said..."
"That said, they won't make it." Alfonse was right. And yet I can't think of anything else to do.
"Those poor townspeople..."
"No...we can't let them die like that. We have to buy some time."

A silence befell, until Alfonse spoke up.
"Commander... We can bait the enemy."
"That would get their attention. They'd stop and focus on us. At that point, though, we'd have to outrun them...or hold out until the king's knights arrive."
"It sounds dangerous enough that if it doesn't work, things will go out of hand. And not just for us."

"It's exceedingly dangerous, but we don't have any other options."
"You're right. Come on, everybody! We're going to have to rely on the element of surprise. We'll sneak up on them!"
We spread out as much as we could hiding behind the bushes near the town. No one seems harmed as far as I could see, but undead troops swarmed the area.

"Stay hidden, and move in small groups. Spread out, and encircle the enemy from behind..." I whispered as everyone went their way.
"Each group must do what it can to avoid the enemy while making it look like they're part of a larger force. Once we've got their attention, they'll halt. This should buy us some time, but not a lot. And when they see through it-" I turn behind to see a soldier behind Eir, ready to strike her. I unsheathe Breidablik to defend her.
"Eir! Behind you!" I shouted as she ducks and I swung at the soldier, making it disappear.

More surrounded us, blowing our cover.
"They're here!" Sharena exclaims.
"Everyone-disengage! Retreat! Ohh... Can we make it?"

They had us surrounded, the town was closed off on us. We regrouped and looked for anyway of escaping, but found none. Some of the townspeople were running from the soldiers.

"It's too late to run, Sharena. We'll have to make a stand here-until the knights arrive!" We fended the army off. I ordered Sharena and Eir to defend the people while the rest hold off the troops. Carefully minding the enemies attack, we held off.

I then heard the clattering of armor and rushing footsteps our way. Many men wearing armor and some on horses.
"Commander!" I caught their attention as she smiles. The enemy retreated at the sight of the knights.

"The king's knights have arrived!" She exclaims.
"Oh, hooray! The enemy is retreating!" Sharena happily exclaims as I smile.
"And if the enemy heads toward town, they'll be turning their backs to Father's forces. The townspeople should be safe."
"What a relief..."

A voice was heard in the distance as they rode on a horse. It was a man with the same blue hair as Alfonse and a beard, clad in Askran armor, and a large scar on his face. Sharena and Anna knelt just after he arrived. Eir and I did the same after seeing them.

"Father." Alfonse gasps. So, this is the king of Askr, and Alfonse's father.
"I've heard about what happened here. Why would you take such a foolish risk?" He asks in a deep and intimidating tone.
"The people..."
"Father, we-we had to protect-" Sharena interrupted, the king gave a glance at her.
"I was speaking to your brother, Sharena."
"Yes, sir." She sounded so small. Alfonse swallows and then speaks.
"The enemy was on the march. The town had no defenses... We had to do what we could to stop them, so I came up with a plan."
"You thought you could face an army? Hardly. If you had miscalculated even slightly, you'd be dead now. Dead, Alfonse."
"Yes, Father. That is so."
"I commend the Order of Heroes for its victory over Múspell. There is something you need to understand, however. You are not a Hero, Alfonse. You need not be amidst them, waving your sword about. Your place is elsewhere."
"Father, I... I just-" Words were sharper than small blades as they hit Alfonse hard. I always have encouraged him that he was a hero. But now...

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