Chapter 4: Stronger than steel

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.......Alfonse’s P.O.V...........

We battled our way through the Emblian soldiers. It was surprisingly easy. Too easy in fact. I made sure Sharena and the other Heroes accompanying us were not harm.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked. Sharena confirmed by placing her thumbs up.
"Yup! We're good! Nothing broken!"

I turned my gaze at the feeling someone's here. Effectively, there was. The masked man from a while ago on his horse.

"You again." He said, "Turn back—now."

"So, you are with the empire! Why do you hide behind that mask?" My curiosity was peaked. I just want to know who he really is.

"I am not with Embla. Nor am I with you. Still, I'll say it one last time. Turn back—NOW."

"Never. Stand aside, or we will break through, one way or another!"

Another battle commenced, this time, his army was small like our numbers. I approached him, trying to at least land a hit on him. But it was futile. Sharena with everyone else defeated his allies, but after the battle, he just stood there.

"I...I can't keep fighting." He panted. "You Order of Heroes people... Don't you realize you're on the wrong track? Veronica's imperial forces aren't invading your capital. They're going to your summoning ruins—to destroy them."

"What? Why?" I asked in shock.

"She wishes to put an end to your summoner's power. Do you understand what that would mean—for everything? If so, you should get to the ruins fast."

"Aqua...Is in danger?!" I remembered she stayed behind in the castle with the Commander, if we don't arrive fast... Something else poked my mind. "Why are you revealing her plans to us?"

"That is my secret to keep." He sighed as he vanished.

"Wait! Get back here! He's gone." Sharena said, "Well, Alfonse? What did you make of all that?"

"I don't know for sure. But we should head for the ruins."

"What if it's a trap?"
"I have a strange feeling he wasn't lying, at least about Veronica wanting to destroy those ruins. We need to put a stop to that. Stay safe, Aqua!" We all immediately rushed back to the castle.

....Aqua's POV....

I woke up to the site of many heroes preparing for any mission. Time passed before Commander Anna came to me after eating breakfast.

"Aqua, got a minute?" She asked me.
"Yes. What's wrong? Let me guess, more Emblian troops?" It made sense why Anna came to me. Veronica's been targeting Askr again and again for days now.
"Indeed. Alfonse and Sharena are with some of the Heroes defending the west side of the border. I sent more out to search the east side."
"This is bad. Why are these attacks happening so frequently? Why now?" It got me thinking, but my focus was broken when I saw Sothe and Kaze running quickly our way.

"Lady Aqua! Commander! We have an emergency!" Sothe said in a monotone voice, but I sensed distress.
"What is it?"
"Princess Veronica broke through our defenses and is on her way to the summoning ruins. We came as fast as we could to warn you." Kaze said, putting it short.
"What?! The summoning ruins?!" Anna exclaimed. I took no time to think as I gave orders.
"Sothe, Kaze, get reinforcements! Meet us there with any heroes you come across. I'll be there shortly!" I commanded. They nodded and left as I turn my sight to Anna. I didn't have my sword Breidablik with me, so I just took my dagger to battle.

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