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Song: Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie, Tommee Profitt 

~ 3rd person POV ~

Grief wasn't something new in the life of the Giannelli brothers.

Grief was a constant.

Since they were young they had been through more heartache than most would go through in a lifetime. 

When someone dies you grieve and grieve had they done.

Losing a parent is a type of sorrow that settles deep into your heart and affects you your whole life.

Losing both parents however is such a strong agony that you want to die.

But losing family to death was somehow mercy on the brothers as they knew what losing someone to the unknown also felt like. 

Losing someone without them being truly gone gnaws away at you every waking moment of everyday your entire life.

Losing someone but believing that they could still be alive could make you go crazy but luckily for what was left of the Giannelli family they had each other.

They could lean on each other.

They could talk to each other.

And most importantly, they could cry on each others shoulders.

Without each other there is no doubt that they would have gone insane looking for the one missing piece that was taken from their hearts years ago. But as the years went on the missing piece didn't just stay missing but it somehow started to draw more and more tiny pieces away from their hearts one by one shattering them more and more as their lives went on. 

Losing someone to death is a blessing in disguise because losing someone to the unknown will break you since you don't know if you should grieve or not and if you should grieve, then what would you grieve?

Should you mourn their disappearance from your life?

Should you mourn the future you lost together?

Or should you mourn that you never got to see them grow up?

If they even are alive.

Once again the unknown is brought up. The 'what if's'.

Since you don't know what really happened all you can do is guess and then work your way from there in hope of finding a new clue that could actually lead you to some proof of what you hope deep down in your heart is true.

Something that could lead you to those missing pieces of your shattered and broken heart.

Something that could lead them to their missing little sister. 

For 12 years not a single trace could be found after Eliana's abduction.

She was simply gone and no one in the Giannelli family had a single clue of where she could be or what had happened.

They didn't even know if she was still alive all they knew was that she wasn't where she was supposed to be. 

A 5 year old gone without a trace.

A family broken within a matter of days. 

But the family didn't know that this would only be the first strike to their breaking hearts.

2 years later the next strike followed in the form of their mothers death. 

The oldest Giannelli was now 19 and the youngest boy was 9 when their hearts broke into pieces once again. The death of their mother, Valeria, along with the disappearance of their sister showed nothing that could help in finding who had done both of the despicable deeds. 

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