bonus 1. n o r t h e r n a t t i t u d e

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surprise! did you guys miss me? because i missed you, reader. forgive me, i'm a bit rusty.

january 20, 1987

"this sucks," robin sighed, adjusting her headlamp. "it's dim, it's cold, and it sucks so bad."

they didn't make it far out of hawkins before the clouds closed in. the sky was dark red and black. it was like the earth opened up and swallowed everything whole. everything stopped.

it was pure purgatory on earth and it was so neutral, so barren. no one knew what to do. all they could do was wait. eleven had reached a point of defeat. she wanted to help who she could and stop making things worse.

they were stocked on food and supplies which was set to last them a long while. they trekked through the terrifying woods near their stopped cars. they eventually found a place to camp.

"get used to your new normal," hopper sighed, holding his hand over his mouth. "something tells me we'll be here for a while."

everyone was silent. there was no longer a plan, backup from the government, there was nothing. no one was coming to help them. who would've thought the self-proclaimed "good guys" could accept defeat?

max updates bea on her life in a new world. she tells her about robin's wellbeing, el and mike's brutal separation, and everything. she never knows if bea is listening but she hopes.

"what did you talk with her about?" robin asked, shoving a twinkie into her mouth. mouth full of food, she muffles, "is she okay?"

eleven stares at the crackling fire pit. eleven and bea had talked in the void for a small bit. "bea is okay. we talked about...some things."

january 14, 1987


"bea. where are we?"

they were in the black void. the furniture was old and beautiful. stuff eleven imagined as a child. there was a soft red carpet in the middle of the room. music played faintly in the background.

"my old home. the one my parents owned," bea sighed, sitting on the couch, eyes fixed at the rug beneath her. "this is where they were found. i was maybe nine years old or so. i don't quite remember. your father took me. then took them away."

"do you miss them? your parents?" el asked, walking closer.

"every day. i've had loved ones ripped from me left and right. i almost had a sibling. my mother was pregnant before she..." she trails off for a second. she looks up at eleven. "i can't lose anymore, eleven. i know you can understand, but i won't lose them."

"my mama," el says, softly, sitting next to the woman. "she's still here but...gone."

"i'm sorry, eleven. i'm sorry we failed you, eleven. i did everything. everything to make you better. i tried to protect you from a young age. from papa and the other children."

"i...forgive you," el nods, thinking of what to say next. "bea, do not forget everyone. there is still max and robin and others that care about you. whatever happens just...remember."

mercy ; peter ballardWhere stories live. Discover now