chapter 2

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It was now the summer before third year and you were drawing with the Weasley's. You had only intended on staying there for a week or so, but they and your parents had arranged that you would stay there the whole summer.

You felt kind of awkward when you found out, not wanting to be a burden with taking up more space in their small but cozy house. They assured you that it was alright and you wern't a burden, and that you'd always be welcome there.

With Fred and George running around like maniacs, and Percy locked in his room most of the time, with Bill helping Mrs. Weasley, when he wasn't he was with you and Charlie, Charlie was the only person that you could hang out with.

Well, Fred and George always tried to hang out with the two of you, but they were unpredictable and had always had tricks up their sleeves. Sometimes litteraly.

They were an organized family, organized but chaotic. You loved the Weasley family and they seemd more like a family to you than your actual family with hie much they're away for work.

Bill was like a brother, the twins the little mischife makers, Percy the boy always working and trying to impress his parents, Ron the odd one yet still lovable, and baby Ginny the girl everyone loves.

Charlie was also like a brother but he was your best friend so you ways thought of him like a brother.

When the time came for getting new Hogwarts stuff, you payed for your things with the money your parents put into your vault at the bank, and helped pay for the Weasley's things even though Mrs. Weasley had told you it was no worry and you didn't have to. But you did anyways.

You also always been grateful to the Weasley's for letting you stay at their place, and here was one way that you would repay them.

"Hey Bill?" You suddenly asked.

"Weird question, but why don't you ever cut your hair?"

"Cause I like it long." He said with sarcastic sass.

"Ok then. Fine." You said with the same sarcasm then broke out into laughter. 

Soon enough, after everyone knew what was going on, they joined in on the laughter too. 

You heard some muggle music you know and started humming it. (It was there nothing holding me back by Shawn Mendes.)

"You know this song?" Bil asked you.

"Yeah." You awnsered sheepishly.

"Cool."  There was a long pause of silence before he spoke again, "I just came up with the perfect nickname for you."




"Awww. But why not?"

"Cause I'm not a princess that's why."

"Ummm. A princess that is awsome and can take care of herself that don't need no man?" He offers with a hopeful smile.

"You aren't going to give this up are you?"



"Yes." He whispered to himself. You just laughed continued on with your trip to get school stuff. 

Suddenly Bill picked you up from behind and because you didn't know who it was, you did the first thing you could think of, curl up into a tiny ball.

"Whoa, calm down luv, it's only me." He said. You looked back at him and started to playfully smak his arm.
"Bill Aurther Weasley don't do that to me." Charlie looked over and was trying not to laugh.

"Ok, ok, sorry luv." You just smiled, knowing, and he knew too, that it was all just for fun. You liked Bill, he was nice and caring, and had a good sence of humor too. You got back to the burrow and had dinner, then went to bed a while after.

A/n, hiii. I hope you liked this chapter and please if you have any suggestions for the story plot, I will gladly take those and give credit for the help. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night. 💛💜

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