chapter 4

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Imma just do when their out of school and working with dragons cause idk what do put for while their in school anymore.  (Also for what Hagrid was going to give you and Charlie it was something involving dragons)

Charlie POV

I wake up to find myself on the ground outside.  There's a baby dragon to my left, and two onto of me.  I look to my right to see y/n asleep, a dragon on her right, and one on top of her. 

There was a book laying on the ground next to us.  Must have fallen asleep reading to them again.  I thought as I carefully got up, not waking y/n or the dragons.  I sand up and look around at the scenery. 

Y/n and I have been in Romania for a few months now, we both love dragons, so it was pretty much a no-brainer when we got the opportunity to work with them.

In Romania it was quite nice, it wasn't too warm, nor too cold.  The grass was a beautiful shade of green, and there were a few castles to be seen in the distance.

I carefully picked up the dragons that were with us, and put them back where they should've been all night.  Then I woke up y/n.  I should probably let her sleep, but we've got a lot to do today.  Especally with that dragon coming in that Hagrid somehow got ahold of.  I thought as I shook y/n gently.


You woke up to someone gently shaking you awake.  You weren't ready to wake up yet so you kept your eyes closed.  "Come one, wake up love."  Charlie whispered.  You didn't know why but he called you love all the time.  "Hmmm?"

"We have a lot to do today, we're getting another dragon, a baby one named Norbert apparently."  Norbert?  Why dose that make me think of something Hagrid would name a dragon?  "He's coming from Hagrid, somehow he got a dragon egg."

You shot up at this.  "Ok I'm up.  Also, why are we always the first to wake up?"  "Cause the others have the ability to sleep in, that is a glory we do not posses anymore."  "You, do not posses, I would've still been sleeping in for the first time sence school, if it hadn't been for you waking me up."

"Sorry, but can you blame me?  It's lonely with out your best friend."  "True.  Fine, I'll let you off this time, but never again."  You say dramatically pointing a finger at him.  You laughed than he pulled you up off the ground.  Damn.  I will never get used to hiw stong he'd gotten.

"Damn Charlie.  You've gotten strong."  He looked at you funny, you tried to keep a calm composer, but lost it and started laughing.  "What, you saying I was week back in school?"  He rhetorically asked as he started tickling you, wich led to you laughing harder, wich led to you begging him to stop while you were on the ground.

"Ok, but only this one time."  He said playfully pointing a finger.  "That's what you said last time, and the time before that.  And every other time."  You reminded him. "Oh hush."  "Rught, right, cause that's just a minor little detail."  "Exactly, see people, she gets it."

"What people?"  He looked around, "good question, I don't know."  He said loudly, but not loud enough to wake anyone up.  Or any dragons.

A/n.  HELLO PEOPLE.  I'm so sorry it took so long to publish another chapter. I kind of lost inspiration, then kind of went into other fanfics.  Then started writing other fanfics.  But still.  I'm sorry it took so long but here we are.  I will try and publish more often and of you could please help me with that by leaving any story plot suggestions you might have and want to see in this story in the comments, then please do, and I will give credit to you because you helped and I probably wouldn't have been able to do it without your help.  So one that note, have a wonderfully rest of your day/night and stay safe, eat something and stay hydrated.  (Sorry this a/n was so long)  Also the picture at the top is a picture I found on Google of Romania

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