chapter 12

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You were making lunch for everyone since Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were out right now, and Siris and Remus were taking care of a sick Buckbeak.

You needed to use a knife to mince some carrots, then completely forgot that you're afraid of mincing things as you always think you're going to cut yourself.  Stupid.  Just as you were about to put the knife down to do something else for making lunch and postponing mincing things, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"Hello dragon princess."  A familiar voice whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine.

"Hello dragon boy."  You responded.

"Having trouble with the knife are we?"

"What's it look like Sherlock?"

"Haha."  He gently grabbed your hand and started to help you cut the carrots.  He knew that you had a slight fear of knives, so whenever you needed to use one he usually did the knife work.

The twins walked into the kitchen as Charlie was helping you cut carrots, and you didn't even have to look at them to know their eyes were wide with mischief.

"Ooooooooooo.  Charlie's got a girlfriend, Charlie's got a girlfriend."  They chanted this all throughout the house, but you pretended you didn't hear them.  So did Charlie it seems as he stayed where he was.

Charlie's POV

Shit.  Bitches.  You fuckers.  Why the bloody hell did you have to walk in you little fucks?! (Damn Charlie, chill out.)

"They're gonna tell the whole house we're dating."  I pointed out.  Y/n didn't respond for a few seconds.

"Fuck.  I mean, they were going to find a way to do it somehow knowing them."


Y/n's POV

Charlie rested his head on top of yours, and you just then realized how tall Charlie was.  Or how short you were.

You didn't realize this, but he stopped helping you cut, and now you were doing it yourself.  His arms now wrapped around your waist.

You were so lost in your own thoughts about what would happen now that Fred and George have told probably everyone that you and Charlie were dating, and everything else, you almost cut your finger.

Charlie though, being the responsible person who pays attention to things that he is, quickly grabbed your hand that you were about to cut and pulled it down off the counter.

"You almost cut your finger off."  He whispered in your ear.  You really hated when he did that.  You were sure that your face was bright red right now, not just from him whispering in your ear, but also because he was still holding your hand.


"Course, we couldn't have you cutting your finger off now could we?"

You laughed slighted to cover up the fact that he was somehow fluttering you to the point you didn't know what you should say.

Wait.  Am I, falling for my best friend?

A/n, hellooooo.  I hope you enjoyed this cuteish chapter, and also I've started another Charlie Weasley x reader, I know I already have this one and a Fred Weasley x reader, but someone said it would be cool if I did, so I made one.  Have a great rest of your day/night.

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