chapter 17

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You had been isolating yourself in your room for the past few days. Not coming out for food, and anytime anyone would try to talk to you from outside the your pretended not to hear them.

You'd been staring a hole through the wall just thinking about what had happened between you and Charlie the other night.

~*~the other night~*~

You pulled Charlie down to sit next to you.  You grabbed his hand to keep him from walking away.  You don't know what made you do it, but you didn't want him to leave.

"You don't sound stupid Charlie.  You don't."  Charlie looked at you with sad nervous eyes.  You didn't let go of his hand, even when you pulled him down to sit next to you again.

You looked over the beautiful turtle charm he'd just given you, which you turned put on a braceletthatyou never took off, you looked up at him, and he kissed you.  When you looked at him again his eyes were wide and his face was redder than a tomato.  You had no doubt in your mind your's was too.

Charlie scrambled to get to his feet and to get off the roof.  You hurried after him, before either of you could get off the roof, you turned him around, kissed him, then ran.

~*~current time~*~

You heard a knock on the door.

"Prince, Charlie told me a little bit about what happened.  Can I come in?"

"Sure."  You weren't sure if Bill had heard you or not because you were so quiet.  But he must have because he then came into your room, shut the door, and sat down on your bed beside you.

"So, he didn't tell me everything, but I'm hoping to hear your side of the story.  Also you two are very alike.  He's also isolating himself."

You told him what happened, except for the part when you kissed.

"That's what he told me too.  But why are you isolating yoursleves?"

"Can't tell you.  It's embarrassing."

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better I'm dating Fleur Delacour and haven't told anyone.  Mainly because I don't want mom to know, but still."

"The French girl?"


"Nice."  There was a little bit of scilence before you decides to tell him.  "We," he looked at you, his head slightly tilted to the side, "we might have, uh, kissed."  You mumbled the last part so quietly you weren't even sure if you'd said an actual word.

"You what?"  You waited a minute, trying to decide if it was really worth telling him you'd kissed his brother.

"Kissed."  You said it just barley louder, but based on his scilence and now sirius face expression, he heard you.

" WHAT?!?!" You flinched back at his sudden loudness.  "Sorry, but you what?!"

"He kissed me first, then he kinda got up and tried to make a run for it.  Then I kina maybe kissed him then ran."  Your voice just above a whisper.  Bill took a minute to think about this.

"Mhm.  Mhmmmm.  Imma go talk to Charlie."

"Please don't, cause then he's gonna come talk to me.  I already know it."

"Fine, as long as you come down at least for lunch.  I'm not about to let you wither away in your room with no human contact just cause you kissed a guy."

"No.  Also, if I have no human contact, then what are you?"

"A wizard."  At that you both spiraled into seemingly endless laughter.  Somehow, Bill had managed to drag you down to thw kitchen, but he failed to say that Charlie was there.

You turned around to leave, but Bill caught you by your wrist and raised his eyebrows.

"Not hungry, I already ate."

"Uh-hu, nice try prince.  Sitcho ass down."

"Ughhhhhhh.  Fiiiiinneeeee."

"Mmmhmmmm."  You noticed Charlie discreetly leaving and decoded that it wasn't fair he could leave but not you.

"Oh, so he gets to leave but I don't?"  Bill looked at Charlue and grabbed his hand, and made him sit next to you.  Right, next, to, you.  I really hate you right now Bill.  And you did, he was being unbelievably unfair right now.

Bill just shook his head with a smile at your glare, and you gave him a look that said, 'what if I bring up that your dating Fleur?'  Once he understood, his eyes widened with horror and he shook his head rapidly.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Charlie give Bill a confused look, and he shook his head, then looked at you and said, "if you tell him I swear to Merlin-"

"You'll take a kitchen knife and stab it through my heart?  Heard that one, next."  Charlie and Bill looked at you concerned, also, it was only the thre of you, otherwise you wouldn't have said that.  You shook your head with a smile, then got up to leave.


"Oh missy no you don't."

"Oh mister yes I do."  You said walking out of the kitchen and to your room.

Charlie's POV

"So, you kissed her?"  Bill asked once y/n had for sure gotten to the stairs.


"I know.  I know what happened.  She told me.  She told me everything."


A/n, hello, I'm sorry for the awkwardness between y/n and Charlie, but honestly, what do you expect when a best friend kisses a best friend then runs away?  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great rest of your day/night.

Dragon Boy (Charlie Weasly x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon