chapter 15

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Chatlie's POV

"I'm sorry bro, I didn't know."

"Yeah, I know you didn't know.  AHHHHHHHH.  What the bloody hell was I thinking?"  I started to pace the room running a hand through my hair over and over agian.

Bill and I were currently in my room talking about what happened earlier.

~*~20 minutes ago~*~

Y/n started mumbling something to herself, I couldn't tell what she was saying though.  I lifted her head up and looked into her eyes.  She looked so sad, also a little, scared?  I didn't even know what I was doing, but I...

Before I could do anything, Bill walked in with his arms full of bags.  His eyes were wide and he looked like he was going to turn and run out of the house.

~*~current time~*~

"Dude, I didn't even know you had a thing for y/n-"

"Shut up someone might hear you!"

"Right.  Pineapple."


"Yeah, so we can talk about her without anyone knowing who she is."

"Ok but can but not be pineapple?"

"Fine then what?

"How about Opaleye."

"The dragon?"

"What, it's her favorite dragon dont judge me."

"Brother, you're falling hard for this girl."

"I know, I know."

Knock knock knock knock.

"Come in."

"Dinner's ready."

"Thanks Gin well be down in a minute."  Ginny nodded and closed the door, and went back downstairs.

Y/n's POV

"So Charlie eh?"  Tonks asked you.  You and Tonks were making dinner for Mrs. Weasley tonight.

Your face no doubt turned bright red.

"Wha-no, where would you get an idea like that?"

"Ginny told me."  She smiled at you, a smile that told you she didn't judge you.  You stared at her for a minute before giving in.

"Yeah."  Your head dropped to hide the blush that was probably getting even worse than it was.

"Girly your ears are bright red."  She pulled you in for a hug, then told you that she wouldn't tell anyone else.

"Too late for that.  Fred and George probably have made it known to everyone.  Even Buckbeak."  She just laughed and started to set the table.

"So, when's you find out?  That you liked him?"

You had to think about this for a moment.  A few weeks ago I think."

"Oooooo.  Ooo girl.  And you're not falling head over heels for this boy how?"

"Haha.  Cause I've been denying all thoughts of liking my best friend.  Then when I do think about it, I find an invisible jar and put the feelings in it, and forget about it until the next time."

"You're ridiculous."

"I know."

Everyone had come down for dinner after Ginny told them it was ready.  The whole time you didn't talk to anyone unless they talked to you first, and you didn't even spare the tiniest glance at Charlie.  Though you could feel his eyes pretty much burning a hole through your soul.

After you finished dinner you went to your room, closed the door, kept the lights off, and sat down and started to cry silently.  You also locked the door, and put a chair under the door handle incase anyone tried to come in.

Just then you heard a soft knock on the door.

"Prince,"  it was Bill,"prince are you in there?"  You stayed quiet.  "Prince I need to talk to you.  Please."

"No."  You already knew that he could tell you were crying from how your voice sounded.

"Prince have you been crying?"


"That's a lie and you know I know it."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"You don't have to, can I just come in?  Please?"

You moved the chair and unlocked the door and told him he could come in.

"Prince why are you in the dark?"

You stood up in front of him just to almost, almost, immediately break down into silence again.  You collapsed on the ground and he sat with you.

After a few minutes, you heard another soft knock on the door.  Bill looked at you and you nodded, letting him know he could let them in, but first, you hid in your closet because you didn't really want to see anyone right now.

"Not now.  No, no she really doesn't.  I wouldn't.  I really wouldn't Char."

Char was one of Bill's nicknames for Charlie, and you hid behind some boxes so if he thought to look for you in here he wouldn't find you as easily.

"Duse I'm telling you she dosen't want want to see anyone right now."

"But I need to talk to her."

"Listen, how about we-"  then they started whispering.

"Yeah, that's a good idea."  Then he walked out of the room and shut the door softly.  Bil came to retreated you from the closet and it took a minute for him to realize you were behind a box.

Bill turned on the lights, but spelled them to be dimmer so it wouldn't hurt your eyes.

Charlie's POV

Bill and I decided that instead of me just straight up confusing that I like y/n to her, I would leave her little notes from a secret admirer.  Which in a way, I am a secret admirer.

So tonight I'm writing a note on an origami heart.

Dear y/n, I really like you, and I have for a little bit now.  I know you probably don't like me back, but I couldn't just not tell you, I would probably regret it later.

-With all the love in the world
Your secret admirer♡♡

Now all we do, is get the nerve to put it in her room.  This'll be fun.

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