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Hello, so, so I think that because I'm running out of ideas for this story, I will have it be completed, but, I was thinking about doing a sequel were y/n and Charlie are adults, married, and have kids, should I do that? If not ok, if yes, also ok. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. I hope you enjoyed this book, I enjoyed making it, though I will admit the first few chapters were pretty shit. So, if you would like me to do a sequel to this story I would love to do that, or if you have any other storyies you would like me to do I would love to do that aswell, as long as I know who they are


Edit: I just had a thought, what if I make a sequel to this, but it's from their child's POV, and they're going to Hogwarts? Would anyone like to read that?

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