Monster killer Y/n & Reverse Flash

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《No One's Pov》

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《No One's Pov》

Eobard Thawne laughed watching the monsters terrorize citizens, He let out a yawn while catching bullets mid-air from people trying to defend themselves...."Trying to be a hero? Without any powers?" He asked with a large smile, running over to the woman, and fazing his hand right into her chest.

"You perish if I pause my hand for even a second." As his fingers halted and clutched her heart, he muttered, watching the lady scream in terror. He proceeded to 'peacefully' watch the beasts do their work, pulling his bloody hand out.

'Is that...the fucking—— batman's car?!' , Reverse Flashes thoughts trailed back to the future in.. he shuddered. However, instead of a man dressed in black, he was greeted by a lady dressed in a yellow suit! —-They wore crimson boots and gloves and a flowing white cape.

Bruce jumped out of the passenger seat, looked at Y/n, and said in a harsh voice, "You will never drive again." Y/n gazed at him for a bit before letting out what appeared to be a dejected sigh at his comments.

"Fuck..." Eobard thawne mumbled as he felt his soulmate's mark start to burn. Y/n scratched the back of her neck softly, sensing the formation of another soulmate mark.

 Bruce proceeded to convey Y/n as much of the strategy as he could. "Mmm," Y/n hummed, appearing to listen when, in fact, she was just going to wing it, aka punch the monsters until they were all gone.

"O-k." Y/n remarked emphatically. "Alright, then let's get started,—" Bruce was cut off, his soulmate gone in an instant as she began punching the beasts mercilessly.

Bruce's jaw tightened slightly—of course he was against murdering, it violated the code—but what was he going to say to his soulmate? Would he start chastising her for such behavior? —No... He would have no difficulty doing so if it was someone other than his love...

It also provided him with more information to determine what powers she possessed, in addition to the analyses Clark provided.

Bruce gradually began to reach across the splattered dead bodies of the beasts, peering down at the odd blood-like slime that oozed from their bodies. He snatched the neon-colored blood with a vial from his secret pocket.

Eobard stepped back, his soulmate's fist almost clashing with his face "Careful! You wouldn't want to damage your soulmate, would you?" Eobard made a satire remark. Plain E/c eyes of Y/n penetrated into Reverse flashes soul.

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