Ch.02-Is it happening all again?

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As I walked to school for the first time since the accident, I felt a strange sense of detachment. Nothing had changed in my life, except for the fact that I had almost died a week ago. I doubted anyone at school even noticed my absence, or cared about what had happened to me. But I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I reached the spot where the truck had hit me, and shivered. It still seemed unreal, like a bad dream. But I had to face the truth, and move on with my life.

"Come on, Suzi, put the ball away. You know it's not safe to play here," a mother scolded her daughter nearby. I glanced at them, and wondered if my mom ever worried about me like that. Or if she ever regretted leaving me alone.?

"Suzi, stop it! You're not listening to me. It's dangerous to play with that thing."

"Mama, I'm bored. Please, just let me play until the green light comes on."

The girl ignored her mother's warning and continued to toss the ball in the air. But then, the ball slipped from her grasp and rolled onto the street. She ran after it, oblivious to the traffic. I felt a surge of panic as I saw the familiar scene unfold before me. It was the same thing that had caused my accident a week ago. My body trembled as I relived the horror. I had to face it again.

What should I do? I kept asking myself over and over. I had two choices:

The first one was to look away and let the accident happen.
The second one was to intervene and risk getting hurt again. Besides, I didn't know the girl. She was a stranger to me. And it was her own fault for not listening to her mother. She could have avoided this situation.

She deserved this... Why should I risk my life for someone like her?

There were others who could help her, right? I glanced around and saw the indifference in their eyes. They had decided to abandon her to her fate. I couldn't fault them for wanting to survive. I...

All I had to do was look away and forget about her. If I could do that, I would be safe.

I turned to the girl. She was struggling to escape, but it was hopeless. I shut my eyes and braced myself.

"So this is your decision? Are you certain? If you are, then fine. But if not, you might regret this later. Think carefully, okay?"

The voice echoed in my head. The voice that I had heard after my accident. What was she trying to tell me? I just wanted to save myself.

"Damn it..."

I sprinted towards the girl and shoved her out of harm's way.

I saved her. But what about me?
Will I have to endure this nightmare again?

"WHY? Why does this keep happening to me?" I shut my eyes.

I was terrified. I needed help. I needed someone.

"Someone, please rescue me..."
That was the only thought in my mind.

"Ah, there you are..."

I heard a voice. It was not the voice that haunted my dreams or the voice that I had just heard. It was a different voice.

When I opened my eyes, I was on the other side of the street and the girl I had pushed was lying next to me, unconscious. I checked both of us and found no injuries. Then I looked at the road and saw the truck.

"What the hell happened?"

I couldn't believe that the truck was smashed like it had hit a wall. But there was no wall. What was going on? All I knew was that I heard a voice and then I was here, on the other side of the street.

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