Ch.13 Student Council President

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The girl with the silvery-white hair led me to the secluded schoolyard. A mix of confusion and curiosity swirled within me about this girl who could see Bell. No one else could, except for me. Perhaps she held the answers to my peculiar situation.

As we entered the deserted yard, Bell clung to me, her grip tight on my pants, her eyes wide with fear of the mysterious girl before us.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" I demanded.

"Oh, my apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Luna, and you must be White," she replied, her voice gentle, her smile enigmatic.

"Luna... you're the school council president. How does someone of your stature know about an ordinary student like me?" I inquired, puzzled.

She let out a soft giggle. "So you've heard of me. That saves time. And I know more about you than your friends Zen and Shu do," she confessed.

Approaching me slowly, I instinctively stepped back. She knelt, reaching into her pocket.

"Here, Bell, I have a gift for you. You like chocolate, right? Don't worry, it's untampered with," she offered, extending the treat to Bell, who peeked out from behind me.

Bell looked to me, her eyes filled with trepidation. I nodded, and she hesitantly accepted the chocolate from Luna.

Luna stroked Bell's head gently. "You're such a good girl," she praised, then stood, locking eyes with me, her smile unwavering.

"Now, will you be a good boy and tell me more about Bell? I've been curious since the day I saw you ace your exam," she prodded.

"What...?" Memories flooded back. The day after my unexpected success, I had felt a watchful presence. So it had been Luna.

"It was quite the surprise when a boy with average grades suddenly excelled. That piqued my interest in meeting you. But more than that,when I saw an aura surrounding you," she explained, pausing as she began to walk away. Turning back, she added, "A dark aura, unlike any living human's. It reminded me of the aura that surrounded my late grandfather, but yours... yours is the darkest and most immense I've ever seen."

Her words left me reeling, yet my curiosity piqued. If she truly saw all and knew all, perhaps she could offer guidance. But first, I needed to gauge the extent of her knowledge.

"You claim to know everything, but how can I trust you? Seeing Bell is one thing, but the rest... it doesn't add up," I challenged.

"Ah, you're trying to trick me into giving you the answer with your clever words," she said, smiling.

She's sharp, and if I linger, she'll soon realize that the bell is the key to fulfilling my wish, though not without a price. My curiosity is piqued, but for the bell's sake, I must conceal this truth.

"Enough of your nonsense; I think it's time to go. Bell, let's head back to school," I said, beginning to walk away with Bell.

"You're returning from a fatal accident, or should I say, from death itself," she spoke in a mysteriously calm tone.

Her words stunned me, and as I turned to look at her, she walked past, then turned, leaning slightly, and said, "I suppose I'm right; you did die but somehow returned from the dead. That's quite fascinating," she giggled.

"How did you come to know this?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"I told you, I know everything about you. If you wish to learn more, come see me whenever you're free," she replied with a smile, her eyes gently closing and hand me a paper.

After handing me a paper, she walked away. I read it and then tucked it into my bag.

"Papa, who is she? She's frightening," Bell said.

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