Ch.11 Another wish

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My dream about my past with Miss Elsa ended, and now I was surrounded by darkness. Confusion clouded my mind when a voice emerged from behind.

As I turned, the voice revealed itself to be Aisha, materializing from the shadows.

"My, my, that was really a wonderful story. I must say, Elsa is a remarkably kind and energetic girl," she remarked with a hint of admiration.

"What was that?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"Nothing but a fragment of your memory with Elsa," she replied nonchalantly.

Her casual response made me scrutinize her with a serious gaze. She had to know where I could find Bell. It was imperative to find Bell before tomorrow, but another concern nagged at me, a question I hesitated to voice.

"Do you wish to ask something?" Aisha probed, her smile broadening, eyes twinkling with mirth.

"I need to know where I can find Bell. But something else troubles me. If the person Bell drew was Elsa, then why did Shu attempt suicide by jumping from the building?" I asked, my focus unwavering.

"Bell is at the place of her origin, where she was created," Aisha answered, her smile unwavering.

"What do you mean by that?" I pressed, my expression a mix of confusion and frustration.

"Reflect on your memories; perhaps you'll find the answer there," she suggested cryptically.

Pondering her words, I felt a glimmer of understanding. Perhaps I had a rough idea of where to find Bell.

"Now, answer my second question," I insisted, my ears attuned to her every word.

"Oh, that was merely a coincidence. Shu's situation was entirely different, unrelated to you. But one thing became clear," she paused, her voice dropping to a whisper, "you changed her fate."

"How? What do you mean I changed her fate?" I demanded, seeking clarity.

"Shu is a girl caught between strict parents who argue often. She is the glue holding them together, their love for her the only common ground. But in anger, people forget what's important. Without effort, such relationships are doomed," Aisha explained, her tone somber as she approached me.

She continued, her voice a soothing cadence, "When her parents are frustrated, they seek an outlet, and Shu becomes the unwilling recipient of their ire."

Listening intently, I questioned her, "Who are you, exactly? How do you know all this? I understand Bell being a part of me, but you... you're an enigma."

"I can't reveal that now, but rest assured, I'm here to help. You should wake up; time is not on your side," she said, her laughter light like a melody.

As she turned to leave, I called out to her. She paused, looking back at me.

"I may not understand, but thank you for the information about Bell," I expressed my gratitude.

She smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes, and then vanished into the ether.

In the evening...

"Um..." I yawned, stretching my limbs.

"Ah, White, you're awake. How do you feel?" Shu inquired, her voice laced with concern.

"Where am I?" I asked, disoriented.

"You fell unconscious while speaking to Zen about Miss Elsa. He's gone to fetch some medicine," she informed me.

"Hm... And you? Are you alright?" I asked, As the situation took a turn, I was unable to consider Shu's circumstances due to the incident involving Miss Elsa.

"I'm... better than before," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Okay, we'll talk later. There's somewhere I need to be," I stated, urgency creeping into my tone.

As I stood, Shu's hand reached out, halting me.

"Where are you going? You need rest. Zen will be back soon," she said, her voice tinged with worry.

"Sorry... But I have to go. I must find that place, for Miss... Shu, please look after things here. I'll return soon, I promise. And thank Zen for me," I pleaded, my resolve firm.

I opened the door and rushed toward the place Aisha spoke of, the place where Bell was born, where my accident occurred, where I made my first wish.

Reaching the deserted spot as evening fell, I took a deep breath and called out loudly,

"Bell, you're here, aren't you? I can sense your presence. Listen, I'm truly sorry. I've said terrible things, unjustly accused you of deeds you're innocent of. I... I need your help. Please, I implore you, return to me," I pleaded into the silence.

But no answer came. Despair settled in my heart as I knelt, tears streaming down my face.

Then, a soft whisper, "Pa...Pa," reached my ears from behind. Turning, I found Bell standing there, her eyes a well of forgiveness. "Bell... I... I'm sorry, please forgive me. I should never have uttered such harsh words. I need your help," I sobbed, my voice breaking. Bell stepped forward, wrapping me in an embrace that radiated warmth and solace. Her hand gently stroked my hair, her voice a soothing balm, assuring me she harbored no anger.

In the calm that followed, I beseeched her, "Bell, listen closely. I have a wish, a plea for you to save Miss Elsa. It's a task only you can accomplish. Please, help me."

With those words, Bell's eyes and hair began to glow, her visage taking on a divine aura as she closed her eyes in prayer. The transformation was startling; the little girl I knew appeared ethereal, a goddess in her own right.

The light faded, and she slumped into my arms, exhausted. I realized then that while I had others to lean on, Bell had only me and Aisha. My concerns about the cost of my wish paled in comparison to the relief that Miss Elsa would live.

Hoisting Bell onto my back, I made my way home. Outside my apartment, Zen and Shu awaited, worry etched on their faces.

"Hey, White, where have you been? You always worry me. And what's this about Miss Elsa? Is she alright?" Zen inquired, his voice laced with concern.

"She was in an accident, but she'll recover. We needn't fret over her any longer," I reassured him, though a knot of worry lingered in my own heart.

Our conversation was interrupted by a call from the hospital. The news was miraculous: Miss Elsa had awakened from her coma, out of danger at last.

Together, Bell, Shu, Zen, and I rushed to the hospital. Entering Miss Elsa's room, we found her sitting up, gazing out the window, lost in thought.

Sensing us, she turned, her voice weak but clear, "Zen... come here," she beckoned.

"Miss Elsa, no, Big Sis, I'm so grateful you're safe. The fear of losing you too..." I choked out, tears welling anew.

Her expression clouded with confusion, which I attributed to her recent emergence from the coma. She needed rest, I reasoned.

"Sorry, but do I know you?" she asked, her words striking me like a blow.

"What... What do you mean? It's me, White. You remember me, don't you? Stop joking," I stammered, disbelief and panic rising.

"Sorry, but I don't know you," she repeated, her gaze steady and unknowing.

A heavy silence fell, broken only by Zen's hesitant voice, "Ah... Zen... About these two, are they your friends?"

......To be continued

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