Ch.14 Paranormal club

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"Welcome to the Paranormal Club," Luna said with a serene voice that belied the room's eerie atmosphere. "I've been waiting for you. I knew you would come, so I prepared some tea for us. Please, come and sit."

Her calm certainty sent a shiver down my spine. How could she have known I would come? The rumors I'd heard about her echoed in my mind, urging caution.

As I entered with Bell, the tension was palpable. The room hardly resembled a club at all, its shadows and oddities looming like silent spectators.

Luna gracefully poured tea for Bell and me, her movements deliberate. "You seem troubled, but rest assured, the tea is pure. And do try the cookies," she offered with a gentle smile.

She took her seat, closed her eyes, and savored a sip of tea in silence.

The air grew thick with unspoken words. I struggled to find my voice under the weight of her presence.

"Hmmm... Papa, these cookies are delicious! Look, they're even different colors," Bell exclaimed, her hands eagerly exploring the assortment.

Luna's eyes flickered open, a hint of amusement in her gaze. "Bell, help yourself to as many as you like. And Papa," she continued, turning to me, "it seems Bell has taken to calling you 'Dad.' That's quite interesting."

While Bell delighted in her tea and treats, I broached the subject that had been gnawing at me. "I... I never knew we had a paranormal club at our school," I said cautiously.

"It's an unofficial club, founded by me. I'm its sole member, so it's natural that the students are unaware of it," she replied, her voice as soft as the light from the flickering candles.

"And why did you start this club?" I inquired.

Luna's eyes seemed to pierce through the veils of reality as she answered, "As you know I possess a gift, you see. My eyes can perceive what others cannot."

Intrigued, I leaned forward. "Beyond Bell, is there anything else invisible to us that you can see?"

She smiled enigmatically, setting her teacup down with a soft clink. "Many things," she whispered, "but that's a story for another time."

"I find you personally fascinating," she confessed, her voice tinged with intrigue. "The aura surrounding you is dark and vast. It's as if you haven't perished, yet you have..." Her words trailed off, leaving a silence heavy with implication.

I held my tongue, wary that any slip could spell danger for Bell.

"I presume you're not inclined to divulge this to me," she mused, glancing at Bell. "Yet, there's an undeniable link between your predicament and Bell."

Her rapid deduction was alarming. Despite our brief acquaintance, her insight was unnerving.

"May I inquire if you're aware of why Bell is here with me? Why is she invisible to others?" I ventured.

"Truth be told, I'm as much in the dark as you are," she admitted. "Bell's human-like presence is unique among the phenomena I've encountered, which led me to establish this club—to unravel such mysteries. And you, it seems, hold the key."

"But I'm clueless," I protested.

That wasn't entirely honest. To my knowledge, Bell was an entity born from my wish. Yet, her very existence remained shrouded in mystery, with Aisha consistently evasive about anything beyond Bell being a part of me.

"You're withholding the truth," she accused, her gaze piercing. "You fear the repercussions for Bell."

"Hey… don't say my daddy tells fibs; he always tells the truth. I thought you were a nice big sister, but you're not being very nice," she told Luna, her voice small but firm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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