Chapter 4

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The girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, hair band, and a plaid dress told her friends to scoot over.

Everyone else whispered and snickered. The guys in the front in front of them gave Darren attitude. A tough looking guy stared at him.

"He lives on that farm, huh?" The tough guy asked.

"Yeah," His friend said. "Theo, maybe he's a ghost. He does live in that dump after all."

Theo laughed. "Looks like dead meat to me."

Another friend of Theo's laughed along with them. Soon, a few others laughed too.

"Ignore these scumbags." The girl said. "They love trouble, especially Theo."

"They don't really bother me." He lied.

A chunky kid got on at the next stop. He made his way down the aisle while Theo and his friends made oinking and squealing noises at him.

"Here comes little piggy!"

He plopped his fat self down next to Darren, Ruthie, and the people they were sitting with.

He smelled like sweat and corn flakes. Darren put his hand over his nose. They all tried to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Piggy piggy Louie!" Theo chuckled.

Darren wanted Louie to get away. It ruined every chance of his reputation. Louie was breathing his hot breath all over him.

"Get away piggy." Darren whispered.

Louie finally got up and took himself to the front of the bus with most of the other weirdos.
It made Darren know he wasn't that weird.

"What's your names?" The girl asked.

"I'm Darren, that's my sister Ruthie." He said.

"Ah, I'm Eleanor and these are," She started pointing. "Bianca, Rachel, and Felix."

"Ah ok." Ruthie replied, finally speaking.

"Why even move to that house though?"

"Why what?" Darren worried. "Is it haunted?"

"Should be," Eleanor spoke. "dude's weird."

"What dude?" Darren asked.

Everything was silent now. People wouldn't stop staring at Darren and Ruthie, the new kids who live on Albert's farm.

"Albert. Your neighbor." She said.

"What do you mean?" Ruthie frowned.

Eleanor's friends, Bianca, Rachel, and Felix were leaning in now. They were intrigued in the conversation.

"He's got a meat grinder in his barn, and who knows what else he's got." Eleanor warned.

"Ugh. Gimme a break." Darren shrugged.

The bus pulled into the parking lot of the high school. Theo's crew gets off first.

By the time Darren and his 'new crew' got off, Theo's crew were smoking a blunt at the side of the highway. Darren sighed.

Wolf HollowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora