Chapter 13

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Afraid of what danger he'd be in if he declined Darren accepted to go to Albert's house for dinner.

A pale man, in about his late 20's to early 30's, was raking leaves behind the barn. Another man about the same age was hauling a basket to the barn.

Albert held the door open for Darren. The frail old man trailed along behind him. Darren couldn't imagine him going to jail even though he was a horrible man.

A young woman was stirring something in the steaming pot on the stove.

"Please excuse us," Albert said. "the food isn't ready yet. I hold you're fine with that."

"Sure." Darren replied, unsure. He really didn't care. Albert could've laced it with something.

"Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rice. The turkey's already done, if you mind."

The Turkey looked dry. Darren didn't want to go anywhere near it.

Albert scooped his hands on the woman's waist.

"Honey, we have a guest." He told her.

He took three wine glasses from the cupboard and set them on the dining table. He went upstairs. Upstairs he had a special wine cellar. He brought down a light pink bottle of Rosé.

"Not again." Darren whispered under his breath.

"You should know," Albert spoke. "I would never tell your mother a peep. Everything we do stays between us. Consider me a friend."

How is he someone that anyone can trust?

"How do I know I can trust you?" Darren asked.

"Trust is a complex word." Albert said. "Look at it as, maybe, I do for you and you do the same for me. If I pay you every week, you trust that you'll always get your money."

"You'll pay me? What do you want me to do first?"

"Well usually I'd ask simple tasks, but for now, elimination. There's someone I need you to take out. I'll pay you more than I ever have anyone."

"Murder? Are you serious?"

"It's not really considered murder if it's a bad person, is it?"

"Yes, Albert!" Darren shouted. "Have you lost your mind?"

Albert laughed. "Lost it long ago. I don't ask anyone to do this type of thing often. Usually it's the normal. The farm work."

Albert poured the wine into the three glasses each at a time. He slouched down into one of the chairs at the dining table. The young woman came around with three plates of food.

"It's good to have you." She said.

Darren looked at the dry Turkey in disgust. He picked up the fork and tried a bit of the green beans.

Something about the mashed potatoes, green beans, and rice appealed to his tastebuds.

Albert wiped his mouth. "Try the Turkey, why don't you?"

Darren suddenly vomited in his mouth and swallowed it back down. He took the fork and slowly raised the Turkey into his mouth. He threw up the moment it touched his mouth.

"Sick, are you, dear?" The woman got up to pat his back. "Get it all out of ya system."

He felt like running back home, not caring how rude he would have been, never coming back for dinner, never doing what Albert wanted to. Especially because Albert wanted him to murder someone.

Darren gulped down the glass of wine and poured more, and then sloshed it down again. He felt like having more. He felt sick to his stomach.

"Oh, Darren," Albert began. "I didn't introduce you to Clara, did I?"

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