Chapter 5

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"Run! Run!" Felix shouted.

Darren, Ruthie, Eleanor, and Rachel were playing kickball in the backyard. They could see the barn ahead.

Darren rounded the bases cheering. "You guys are making this too easy."

In the distance, Eleanor could see something moving toward them. She and Ruthie paused while Darren, Ruthie, and Felix kept playing.

A German Shepherd was running up to them. It had no collar and it was barking.

"Stop for a moment." Eleanor said.

Felix and Darren stood confused, until they saw the dog coming toward them.

The dog ran up to Darren. It didn't bite or growl. Instead, it barked and whimpered. Still no collar visible, even now that it was close.

"What is it boy?" Darren asked.

He stroked the dog's fur, which was rough like tar. On the side of the dog's ear was a scab of blood. Darren gasped.

The dog began to bark again, facing Albert's house. He whimpered.

"I think he's trying to tell us something." Eleanor said.

"Yea, you think?" Felix replied sarcastically.

"Has Albert tried to hurt you?" Darren asked the dog, as if it would speak.

The dog tilted his head to Albert's house and started to whimper. Albert had definitely done something. What has he done?

The whole game paused. Or ended. Everyone was focused on this random dog.

A car pulled into the driveway. Leah and Kent got out with a bunch of bags. Leah worked with Kent at the real estate agency and she even had her own office.

This was her best job yet. Leah and Kent were getting more acquainted everyday.

Dinner that night tasted gross to Darren. He couldn't think of anything but his neighbor and the dog he'd seen earlier that day.

Darren and Ruthie's new friends had gone home.

Wonder how long it'll be before we move again and leave these friends behind. Darren thought.

It was a possibility. EVERYTHING was a possibility.

After dinner, Darren got a shower and slowly dragged himself to his bedroom. Kent was staying overnight, sleeping on the couch.

Darren picked up the photo again. He knew looking at it over and over wouldn't do anything but he was curious and couldn't get anything else to come to his mind.

Sleep was escaping him. It was almost if he had insomnia.

Maybe I do need to look more in Albert. But how would I? No way I'll go talk to him.

Darren turned off the lamp but kept his flashlight on the drawer. He sunk his head into the pillow.
He always kept the flashlight with him.

Darren finally dozed off. He went to the bathroom at the end of the hall to use the bathroom. He heard noises. Strange noises.

In the dim light were a man, a child, and a dog outside. The dog was tied to the tree being beaten by the man.

"Stop! Stop!" The child hollered.

"You'll be next, so you better hush!" The man shouted.

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