Chapter 21

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Eleanor slowly walked up the stairs and back into the vicinity. She still looked puzzled with the frown on her face.

"What happened?" Darren wrapped her arm around her.

She told Darren and Felix about the weapons. The only things the basement had were weapons. All three of them looked puzzled now.

The loud ticking clock wouldn't let them forget the time. It was 11 PM. If whoever lived here could sleep over that, they wouldn't mind any little noise.

"If that's not even a bit suspicious, I don't know what the fuck is." Felix muttered low. They agreed.

They creeped up the stairs, making sure to stay a few steps away from each other so they weren't hurdled together.

This is a break-in Darren worried. What will the police think?

Upstairs, there were three bedrooms, a bathroom, and an attic.

"I'll take the attic," Darren said. "try not to make too much noise with whatever you do."

He gave the string a light tug. It thumped down. Darren gritted his teeth as he climbed the ladder. His stomach was turning.

The attic looked like, well, a normal attic. It had boxes, photos, papers, and old clothes.

The first box had photos in a plastic bag. Darren sealed them out. The first was a little boy on a bike, smiling. More of the photos consisted of a happy family of 3. A young couple and their son.

The second box were even newer photos. The boy was older and Darren could make out who he was by his face. It was Theo when he was possibly around 12 years old.

Darren tried to put it all together. It didn't make sense. So Theo lives here? Why did he make fun of me for living on this block? This makes no sense.


He climbed down the ladder. He had seen the only thing he needed. It was very possible the murderer did not live here, but it was strange that Theo hid the fact he lived on this block by making fun of Darren for it.

He heard a loud thump and tried to find Eleanor and Felix. They were both crouched in the bedroom on the end of the hallway. A woman was sleeping in the bed.

"Quiet down, dork." Eleanor whispered to Felix.

The thump wasn't from Felix. It was someone else. Was he Jack Blevins?

Darren turned around to find Theo Blevins a few inches away from front of him. He finally remembered where he heard the last name Blevins from. Theo Blevins.

"Breaking and entering," Theo said. "how original of you, Darren. I thought we were friends."

Theo started coming closer. Darren could feel his heart racing. He was breaking into cold sweats.

"Why were you the first at Albert's house that day? When Joe was murdered." Darren questioned.

Theo scolded. "You don't get to ask the questions."

"Poor guy forgot to go down and get a weapon?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Theo grabbed Darren's arm tight. "This town's problems come from you!"

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