Chapter 14

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Troy reached his hand over into the dash to get another cigar. He took a sip from a beer bottle in the cup holder. His car was full of trash and reeked of alcohol and cigars.

"Hope you don't mind the mess," Troy said. "Ain't it been a while since I seen you?"

"I guess," Darren started. "where's Ruthie?"

Troy slammed the gas pedal and sped up. "You'll find that out later."

This is really life or death.

Darren couldn't make out where Troy was taking him. He saw the Wolf Hollow sign approach. They were leaving. He couldn't leave without his mom and sister.

After a few miles, Troy swerved into a parking spot at a big hotel. He was a careless driver. This was a fancy-looking hotel.

"Ever had expensive wine?" Troy asked his son.

"Some from my neighbor, but I'm not sure it's expensive." Darren told him.

"It's all on me. It's the least I can do." Troy blew his smoke without the window down.

"What about Ruthie? She's your kid too."

"What do women amount to?" Troy rolled his eyes. "Your mother was nothing, is nothing. I don't see a future for your sister, Darren. I see it all for you. You're driven."

Driven to be killed in a few hours. Darren thought. Surprised he hasn't killed me yet.

It was getting dark. Darren followed Troy inside the hotel that smelled like expensive perfume and champagne. It was bright and had chandeliers on every other ceiling.

It even had a bar and restaurant. Couples were dining together at tables and laughing with each other. This was luxury.

Troy had never told Leah or his kids about his other life. His mobster, mafia life. The reason he had all of this money but made himself look helpless.

"You wait here," Troy said. "let me check with this fella if there's a room available."

Darren crossed his arms waiting for his sadistic father to get them a room. He didn't want to be here. He almost had no choice. If he were to run, how would he get back with no car of his own?

Luckily they got the last room available. On the top floor. Darren and Troy got in the elevator. There was only a woman who was simply minding her business. They pressed the top button. She got off on the 5th floor.

"I'm whooped. Been drivin' all day." Troy complained.

Troy just wanted to take a shower and crash into bed. Darren, however, was pacing in his mind.

After a long, hot, steaming shower, Troy launched onto the bed. He had been to hotels all the time but was never really this tired before.

"How bout I go get us a bottle of wine?" Troy said, and so he did and brought it back up to the room.

He reached into his suitcase and pulled out two plastic glasses. One thing about Troy was that he always had whatever he needed.

Repeatedly drinking wine threw them both into a tipsy state. This was the first time Darren had ever been drunk. The feeling in his stomach was warm like sitting by a cozy fire with a blanket.

Troy shook a bottle of pills and popped one into his mouth, gulped it down with wine, and burped carelessly.

"Aren't alcohol and pills a bad mix?" Darren asked. It's what he was told after all.

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