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I'm still confused since yesterday, when this one boy , Levi, came to me crying and shocked but also happy saying that I was in coma. He also said that I lost some memories.. but what kind of memories? I just can't remember him, what means that he isn't an 'important someone' for me.

But still... since yesterday he was by my side the whole time, he asked whether I want to eat something or asked me how I feel... he did everything I want with this worried face.

We are now outside. He is sitting quit on a bench while I sit on a wheelchair.

" Do you know why I'm here?" I ask him... I asked him this a few times, but I always got the same answer.

" Yes." He says staring at the ground.

" Can you tell me please?.."

" No"

" I have to go home... You don't know, but I have bad parents.. I'm sure they will yell at me when I go home after two weeks act like nothing happend"

" Don't worry about them... Everything is over now, Eren"

He looks at me smiling slightly. It looks like he doesn't smiles often, that's why it feels suddenly so special.. but what did he just say?

" What.. do you mean?.."

" I mean, that your 'parents' won't hurt you again... and you can finally live with me"

" Live with you?! Why should I?"

I'm shocked about what he said..
WHY should I live with a boy I don't know?

" Because, we...-."

" We what? I don't know you... yes, you were nice to me these days, but that doesn't explain who you are or what I should think about you.. I really don't know anything..."

Levi sinks his head looking at the ground again and flinches slightly.

" ...That really hurts..."

" W-What....."
I see tears falling down in the sand in front of Levis feet.


I hold my head with my both hands and try to remember... but nothing.

I look at the sky pulling on my hair and bite on my teeth.


" I love you to... and I'll be with you...forever"

I hear levis voice in my head saying these words....


...He will be what?..

..what is that... these.... these pictures in my head....

I keep my mouth with my one hand looking shocked and with widen eyes.
My eyes suddenly feel so heavy and my tears starts falling down.

I sob hard and say his name a few times.

" Levi..... Levi....Levi..."

...How could I forget... the man I love?

The one who saved me from being alone... the one who helped me that my parents won't kill me... the first one who loves me.... no, who loved me.

Levi looks at me with an hopefull look and wipes his tears away.

" ...I love you too Levi..." I say quietly still crying and shivering

Levi, his eyes widened and smiling letting out a few tears again, hugs me suddenly and buries his face in my neck.

" E-Eren...."

Levi wraps his arms around my waist and cries me wet, like I him.

" ..I'm so sorry... I'm an idot... I'm an asshole... I'm a-."

" Stop it!" He sobs " Why do you say this??"

" I forgot you.... I forgot everything.. I'm such a bad boyfriend.. I hurted you"

Yes, that's right... I don't deserve Levi anymore.

" Shut up!"
He looks in my face with red eyes.

" ....Please don't hate me.. Please Levi... I beg you! Y-You're everything I have... I-I don't want to lose you"

" Y-You are so silly"
He presses his lips on mine pushing me against the wheelchair.

Befor I notice what happens he deepens the kiss with his salty lips.

Both of us let out a few more tears and speak by kissing eachother.

This kiss tells me that Levi doesn't hates me, that he still wants to be my boyfriend. It's the importants moment in my life now.

I take Levis hands and put them on my chest, to show him that my heart beats faster now. I want to say him with that, that I love him.

He takes my right hand and puts it on his left chest.

He understood and reciprocate me.

We finish the kiss slowly and smile slightly.

" I was so scared, Eren.."

He hugs me tightly and I hug him too.

" I'm back now.... And I missed you so much"

" I missed you too... I was the whole time with you, but it was so terrible to see you like this"

" It won't happen again. I promise"

" Yes, I will do everything to protect you. Nothing can separate us now..."

Authors note: Sorry, guys!! It's been a while since I updated ._. I don't had the time bc of the school

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