Chapter 2

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In the last chapter:

"Big brother, Miwa!" Ai yelled as she ran up and flung her arms around them. Kai and Miwa collapsed from the surprise.

"Ow!" Miwa shouted rubbing the back of his head. Aichi, Morikawa, Izaki, and Shin all sweat dropped.

"Speak of the devil." Shin said.

"Ai, what are you doing here, and would you mind getting off us?!" Kai said with an annoyed tone.

"Ehehe, sorry." Ai said shyly as she got up.

"Hey, Ai, it's been a while." Miwa smiled.


Chapter 2: Stand Up, Vanguard!

"So, Ai, why did you decide to work here?" Aichi asked.

"Well, my school is requiring that we do community service and since I love Cardfight Vanguard, I decided to work here." she answered.

Misaki, who was listening in on the conversation from the counter called Ai over.

"Ai!" she yelled.

"Yeah?" Ai walked over.

"Would you mind watching the counter while I go out?"

"Sure, why not!"

"Alright, see ya in a little bit guys."

Shin walked over to Ai. "Why don't you play some Vanguard? I can watch the counter."

"Really?! Thanks!" Ai beamed. She ran over to Aichi, Morikawa, and Izaki. "So, who wants to play me first?!" she asked.

"Why don't you play her Aichi." Morikawa suggested.

"Sure," Aichi smiled. Kai looked over in interest. He wanted to know how much she had improved from the last time they played. It was embarrassing, but she had beaten him every time they played.

"Alright, ready when you are." Ai said.

"Stand up, Vanguard!" they both shouted. Both Vanguards were Stardust Trumpeter.

"Oh, you use royal Paladins too?" Aichi asked.

"Yup, not let's get on with it!" Ai smiled.

-After the battle cause I'm just lazy like that.-

"Wow, Ai, you're really good!" Aichi exclaimed, she had won after all.

"Thanks," She smiled sheepishly and blushed.

"Aichi, do you know what this means?" Morikawa asked.

"What does it mean?"

"It means you need more lessons from me. Geez, losing to a girl."

"You can't really say anything Lose-umi; you lose to Aichi all the time." Kamui burst in.

"What did you just call me!?"

"Um.. Please don't fight!" Ai said.

"Would you mind telling me who you are?" Kamui commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Ai Toshiki. I'm Kai's younger sister."


"Hey! You never told me you had a sister!" Kamui yelled at Kai.

"It never came up." Kai stated coolly.

"Geez, anyway, I'm Kamui the Great." He said to Ai.

"The Great?" Ai tilted her head.

"Hey did you guys just have a battle? Looks like you won Ai. Then it's settled you're gunna battle me next!"

"Alright then," Ai smirked, "what are we waiting for?"

"Stand up, Vanguard!"


Me: Alright! What did you think!

Team AL4: Are we even in this story?

Me: Be patient! I haven't even gotten to the part were they introduce Ren!

Kai: Why do you have to make it so Ai is better than me in Vanguard!

Me: Cause its funny that way. Deal with it. How about I make it so in the next chapter Ai kicks you but!

Kai: You wouldn't.

Me and Ai: *evil grin*

Miwa: Run Kai! Run like the British are chasing you!

Ai: Not so fast! *Grabs Kai's collar and starts dragging him* we're going to have a nice fun game of Vanguard!

Kai: Help me…

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