Chapter 10

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One more cuz I luv u guys ;3

In the last chapter:

Everyone was sitting down for breakfast which to everyone's discomfort, except Ai, Kamui, and Emi, was curry yet again. Every one went down to the beach and started relaxing. Kamui started his "Training camp."

"Kamui," Ai towered above them yet again with a fake smile on her face, "what do you think your doing to my dear, dear, Aichi?"

Ai was wearing a white bikini with a pink heart on the right top side. She left her hair down and it was up to her waist. She was also wearing the necklace that Aichi gave her for Christmas. She hadn't taken it off since.

"We can do more training later, right now we have to enjoy out time at the beach." she scolded them.

After a morning of relaxation, everyone went inside for lunch, which was noodles, and started to train with new decks they built. We had a lot of fun on our weekend at the beach. Morikawa realized he didn't get to go swimming on our way home and said something about fate mocking him.

Chapter 10: Underground Cardfights

Aichi's POV

Kai hadn't been here all week and I was starting to worry about him.

"Have you seen Ai, Aichi?" Tama asked us.

"No, not today."

"She would have been here right now..." Suri said.

Ai's POV

Miwa and I saw Kai heading down some alleys and being his best friend and little sister, we decided to follow him.

"Wow, love what you've done with the place... creepy." Miwa said as we walked past some rundown buildings, "I got a really bad feeling about what waits for us down this alley."

Unlike Miwa, I kept quiet most of the way to wherever we were going. We heard some shouting up ahead and ran over to see what it was.

"What's this?" Miwa asked.

"I don't know." I replied. Everyone started to look at us.

"Don't mind me; I'm just looking for my lost puppy!" Miwa lied.

"Yeah, it was chasing my little kitty." Better just play along

We heard an unfamiliar voice, "You're mine!"

Miwa and I saw Kai was about to battle against someone.

"What's going on?" I asked.

They put down their decks and started to fight. I had heard about these fights. No one here followed any of the rules in Vanguard. They all cheated one way or another.

"When I win, I'm taking that deck of yours, because in an underground you gotta put something on the line." The guy he was battling explained.

"This is dangerous, what are you thinking Kai?!" Miwa whispered.

"That's fine, because I'm not gunna let you win." Kai replied.

'What have you gotten yourself into, Kai?' I thought to myself.

-After the fight-

"You stacked you deck and snuck a card in from your pocket. And even still, you weren't able to beat me." Kai said.

"That's Kai for you, noticed all that cheating, but destroyed the guy anyway." I said.

"Here's the deal, I beat you, now bring Jun out to face me." Kai demanded.

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